OntoZoo / ontobee

Ontobee is a linked data server for ontologies. See: http://www.ontobee.org.
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Reload GENEPIO #191

Closed cmrn-rhi closed 11 months ago

cmrn-rhi commented 12 months ago

GENEPIO doesn't appear to be loading on ontobee, can that be remedied? It passed a "make reason" reasoner test and "riot" command check on our end, but if there are any issues we should address please let us know.

yongqunh commented 11 months ago

GENEPIO is now loaded on Ontobee: https://ontobee.org/ontology/GENEPIO thanks,

cmrn-rhi commented 9 months ago

Ontobee isn't showing GENEPIO results as of 2023-09-22

yongqunh commented 9 months ago

Back now: https://ontobee.org/ontology/GENEPIO