OntoZoo / ontobee

Ontobee is a linked data server for ontologies. See: http://www.ontobee.org.
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Term page doesn't load when ampersand in annotation value #61

Closed balhoff closed 8 years ago

balhoff commented 8 years ago

'camptotrichium' from Uberon:


I think it is due to the '&' in the content of rdfs:comment:

From Witten & Huysseune (2007): 'Two zones have been recognized in these camptotrichia: a superficial region of acellular fibrous bone, and a deep, mostly unmineralized, zone (Géraudie and Meunier 1982).'

The ontology is fine. I think it is a problem with escaping in the HTML generation in Ontobee.

cc @wdahdul

e4ong1031 commented 8 years ago

Yes, it is the problem of not converting the '&' to Unicode and is resolved now.
