OntoZoo / ontobee

Ontobee is a linked data server for ontologies. See: http://www.ontobee.org.
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NCBI Taxon (and presumably other large ontologies) Scaling Isssue #84

Open alanruttenberg opened 7 years ago

alanruttenberg commented 7 years ago

It takes a relatively long time to go to http://www.ontobee.org/ontology/NCBITaxon There's no reason it should.

alanruttenberg commented 7 years ago

Completion (e.g. type homo sapiens in to the search box) is unusably slow. This suggests either reformulating the query or using a better index.

alanruttenberg commented 7 years ago

Browsing to http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PR_000000001 is also really slow. I suspect you are asking for all subclasses rather than using LIMIT to get just what you need for the page.

alanruttenberg commented 7 years ago

protein ontology is unusable for search