Added proxy.logging.logback configurations for providing the proxy with a custom Logback XML configuration
Consistent format for values and templates
Updated the notes.txt notice
Consistently use image.tag if specified
Added external url for single node mode
Configuration overhaul
Removed files/config/ and files/config/proxy/ and moved any defined properties directly into the ConfigMap
Moved GraphDB specific properties from GDB_JAVA_OPTS into the properties ConfigMaps
Added proxy.extraConfiguration for appending extra GraphDB properties from existing ConfigMap and Secret resources
Updated Secrets handling
Added cluster.existingClusterSecret and cluster.existingClusterSecretKey for using an
existing Secret instead of providing the cluster secret token as plaintext in values.yaml
Added default Secret objects for GraphDB and the proxy that contain sensitive GraphDB configurations
Added configuration.secretProperties and proxy.secretProperties for appending additional
sensitive GraphDB configurations if needed
Pod Disruption Budgets
Added proxy.pdb for configuring a pod disruption budget for the GraphDB Proxy
Renamed pdb to podDisruptionBudget and renamed podDisruptionBudget.create to
podDisruptionBudget.enabled for consistency
configurations for providing the proxy with a custom Logback XML configurationimage.tag
if specifiedConfiguration overhaul
and moved any defined properties directly into the ConfigMap declarationsGDB_JAVA_OPTS
into the properties ConfigMapsproxy.extraConfiguration
for appending extra GraphDB properties from existing ConfigMap and Secret resourcesUpdated Secrets handling
for using an existing Secret instead of providing the cluster secret token as plaintext in values.yamlconfiguration.secretProperties
for appending additional sensitive GraphDB configurations if neededPod Disruption Budgets
for configuring a pod disruption budget for the GraphDB Proxypdb
and renamedpodDisruptionBudget.create
for consistency