Open ETR-BTF opened 1 year ago
This bug is also tracked as Roman971#50, since it's currently only relevant on Dev-R. Since the plan is to merge mixed pools once the last two remaining blockers (grotto save/death/voidwarp weirdness and overworld entrance parity) are fixed, I feel like it makes sense to keep this issue open as well.
Small note: This is a bug only for glitchless logic.
There's a fairly easy glitch (base logic on my fork) that allows bypassing both GF gates itemlessly.
Long known (and memed) about, but the 10 Rupee entrance fee could be a problem if behind that entrance is a shop or Business Scrub that requires a full Wallet with no way to farm Rupees. Neither logic nor the ER fill algorithm currently accounts for this. The easiest solutions are likely to either remove the entrance fee (optionally depending on ER settings), or to make opening GTG a permanent flag (optionally depending on ER settings).