Ooglely / pugBot

Discord bot to run TF2 pick up games | pugbot.tf
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List team channels current ELO #43

Open Ooglely opened 7 months ago

Ooglely commented 7 months ago

A new command that displays each players current ELO and each teams average ELO in a category's team VCs. This would be nice to see the ELO of captain-made teams.

shelchang commented 4 months ago

From tf2cc discussion

1) I think we should floor ELO for gen purposes at some value. maybe 500 or 600. The reason for this is once ELO gets EXTREMELY low, the gens degrade to only 1 or 2 options, as the low elo creates some kind of sinking state I dont understand algorithmically. Its getting worse over time as more elos drop. we can include the actual elo in a search, but the display elo for pug gen and the elo USED for the gen should have a min value

2) can we include a puggers highest div next to their name in the gen? Like: [1113] [AM] @PJ This lets you do a quick at a glance eyeball when you dont know/recognize folks, and also help deal with the issue above of folks with bypass slumming it with the noobs.