Ooglely / pugBot

Discord bot to run TF2 pick up games | pugbot.tf
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Manual pug queue and role balancing #51

Closed Ooglely closed 6 months ago

Ooglely commented 6 months ago

Adds multiple commands and functionality for both the pug queue and role balancing: /pug manual setup - Sets up the player threshold and channel for the pug queue in a server /add - Add yourself to the queue /remove - Remove yourself from the queue /status - Show the current pug queue status /clear (Runner only) - Clear a player or all players from the queue /missing (Runner only) - Ping all players that aren't in a VC

/pug role add (Runner only) - Add a role to balancing /pug role remove (Runner only) - Remove a role from balancing /pug role list (Runner only) - List all roles currently in balancing /pug genteams now has a role balancing option