OorthianEmissary / mini_ex6

Its yet to be done, I'm very sorry. Check in after noon.
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Feedback on mini_ex6 - Rasmus Kjærgaard #1

Open GustneGustav opened 7 years ago

GustneGustav commented 7 years ago

Holy hell, what a trip. The music is definetely painful on a whole new level, but other than that i like it. The function that kills everything if you tap the mouse too much confused me for awhile. You could maybe consider adding some continous fade to the caterpillars, or something else that signifies their apparent demise, to further emphasize that pesky human intervention killed the poor caterpillars. This functionality adds a cool layer to the autonomous definition of generative art, as too much human intervention in your sketch, literally kills the program. Very nice thinking! Don't touch the displaycase yo. Gr8 job m8, i r8 8/8, clean sl8.

OorthianEmissary commented 7 years ago

I will try to improve it with someway of showing the user killing the acid high caterpillars.