Open-CMSIS-Pack / devtools

Open-CMSIS-Pack development tools - C++
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[csolution] Save compiler version in *.cbuild.yml #1559

Closed brondani closed 1 week ago

brondani commented 3 weeks ago

Since the toolchain registration via environment variables is mandatory. During the convert call the compiler version selected for each context should be stored in *.cbuild.yml alongside the selected compiler name in the compiler node following the pattern compiler: <name>@<version>, for example AC6@6.16.0


ReinhardKeil commented 2 weeks ago

IGNORE THIS - I WAS WRONG This is the proposed node toolchains:.

It allows to record the compiler used, but also supports compiler selection for projects that have an undefined compiler.

jkrech commented 2 weeks ago

The "used compiler" is already captured in the compiler: node today. However we can now capture the version of the compiler. Capturing alternative compilers that could be selected should be handled separately.

ReinhardKeil commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, I was wrong. Just add to the compiler: node of the *.cbuild.yml for the project the version number as it could be done in the YML input files,

compiler: AC6@6.22