Open-Data-Open-Minds / odom_GlobalSprint2017

Open Data/Open Minds: Tools for Telling Science Stories with Data
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Suggest open data sources we could use with ODOM #3

Open esylvan opened 7 years ago

esylvan commented 7 years ago

Leave a comment on this issue if you have suggestions for existing open data sources ODOM might use. Include details about metadata, how you would use the data, and any research questions you think are interesting to address with it. Data sources could include environmental, civic data or anything else. We are particularly interested in data that would feel relevant to educators and learners in grades 5-11.

dbild commented 7 years ago might be one source. Lots of biodiversity data...but I've never really tried to access with grades 5-11.

dbild commented 7 years ago

Also data goes to GBIF. I have used iNaturalist with teens where they do their own queries. Relatively user friendly and teens seem to like it

dbild commented 7 years ago

One of my fellow Chicago sprinters @PriyaDoIT just passed along these Chicago-based resources

Plus national EPA data Chicago complied

esylvan commented 7 years ago

@dbild This is all great thank you. We are pretty familiar with iNaturalist but I didn't know about the national EPA data that Chicago compiled. And the Chicago specific data will be helpful later this summer when we run a professional development for STEM teachers in that area. Great!

esylvan commented 7 years ago

Stanford Spatial History

esylvan commented 7 years ago

Open Omaha github