Open-EO / openeo-geopyspark-driver

OpenEO driver for GeoPySpark (Geotrellis)
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fix catalog config for utm based layers with incomplete catalog info #250

Closed jdries closed 1 year ago

jdries commented 1 year ago

Some catalogs (oscars) do not advertise the native crs of a product for utm based collections. I added a flag to our catalogclient to enable an automatic lookup of crs based on extent center point.

We now need to check if all our collections set this flag correctly, because we now determine it based on target resolution, which is not accurate.

This issue depends on: where we will refactor creation of opensearch client

jdries commented 1 year ago

The relevant line in Sentinel2PyramidFactory: OpenSearchClient(openSearchEndpointUrl, isUTM = maxSpatialResolution == CellSize(10.0,10.0))

Layers to check: Sentinel-5p WorldCover Copernicus DEM

jdries commented 1 year ago

for coherence, the flag should be set to false, because we do not manage to correctly determine crs.

JeroenVerstraelen commented 1 year ago
I checked all layers with (10,10) cellsize in layercatalog.json with gdalinfo: line_number collection_id file_type projection comments
344 SENTINEL1_GRD_SIGMA0 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 39N"
436 S1_GRD_SIGMA0_ASCENDING file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 39N"
779 TERRASCOPE_S2_FAPAR_V2 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 40S"
856 TERRASCOPE_S2_NDVI_V2 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 40S"
938 TERRASCOPE_S2_LAI_V2 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 40S"
1017 TERRASCOPE_S2_FCOVER_V2 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 40S"
1254 TERRASCOPE_S2_TOC_V2 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 40S"
1407 SENTINEL1_GRD sentinel-hub
1631 SENTINEL2_L1C_INCD file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 29N"
1804 SENTINEL2_L2A_SENTINELHUB sentinel-hub
3269 TERRASCOPE_S2_RHOW_V1 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N"
3340 TERRASCOPE_S2_CHL_V1 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N"
3407 TERRASCOPE_S2_SPM_V1 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N"
3475 TERRASCOPE_S2_TUR_V1 file-s2 PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N"
I also looked at any layers related to sentinel-5p, worldcover and Copernicus DEM: line_number collection_id cell_size comments
2199 TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_NO2_TD_V1 (0.05;0.05)
2271 TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_NO2_TM_V1 (0.05;0.05)
2343 TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_NO2_TY_V1 (0.05;0.05)
2415 TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_CO_TD_V1 (0.05;0.05) GEOGCRS["WGS 84", DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984"
2487 TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_CO_TM_V1 (0.05;0.05)
2556 TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_CO_TY_V1 (0.05;0.05)
4250 SENTINEL_5P_L2 sentinel-hub
3505 ESA_WORLDCOVER_10M_2020_V1 (0.000083333333333;0.000083333333333) /data/MTDA/WORLDCOVER/ESA_WORLDCOVER_10M_2020_V100/MAP
3569 ESA_WORLDCOVER_10M_2021_V2 (0.000083333333333;0.000083333333333) /data/MTDA/WORLDCOVER/ESA_WORLDCOVER_10M_2021_V200/MAP
2982 COPERNICUS_30 (0.0002777777777777778;0.0002777777777777778) /data/MTDA/DEM/COPERNICUS-DEM-30
3037 COPERNICUS_90 (0.000833333333;0.000833333333) There is no /data/MTDA/DEM/COP_DEM_90M_COG on epod, only /data/MTDA/DEM/COPERNICUS-DEM-90. Is the root layer wrong in layercatalog.json?

I added an is_utm flag under the _vito key for SENTINEL1_GRD_SIGMA0 as an example:

@jdries Should I add this flag to all UTM layers?

jdries commented 1 year ago

yes, you can add the flag to utm layers, I'm only uncertain about sentinel-1 layers, as coherence had an issue so sigma0 maybe also.

JeroenVerstraelen commented 1 year ago

Do you mean that these layers could have errors when is_utm=True: SENTINEL1_GRD_SIGMA0 S1_GRD_SIGMA0_ASCENDING

So it would be best to write a test for them first and set is_utm=False if the test throws an error?

JeroenVerstraelen commented 1 year ago

Tested on dev using some simple load_collections:

import openeo

def main():
    for collection_id in ["TERRASCOPE_S2_FAPAR_V2", "TERRASCOPE_S2_NDVI_V2"]:
        bbox = {'west': 17.015762, 'east': 17.174721, 'south': 54.624568, 'north': 54.688916}
        temporal_extent = ["2022-09-02", "2022-09-02"]

        conn = openeo.connect("").authenticate_oidc()
        cube = conn.load_collection(collection_id = collection_id, spatial_extent = bbox, temporal_extent = temporal_extent)
        output_file = f"{collection_id}.tif", format = "GTiff")

    collection_id = "TERRASCOPE_S1_SLC_COHERENCE_V1"
    temporal_extent = ["2021-03-20", "2021-03-20"]
    bbox = {'west': 4.398651, 'east': 4.590912, 'south': 50.975724, 'north': 51.060818}
    conn = openeo.connect("").authenticate_oidc()
    cube = conn.load_collection(collection_id = collection_id, spatial_extent = bbox, temporal_extent = temporal_extent)
    output_file = f"{collection_id}.tif", format = "GTiff")

if __name__ == '__main__':