Open-EO / openeo-geopyspark-driver

OpenEO driver for GeoPySpark (Geotrellis)
Apache License 2.0
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Implement auto_polarization for SENTINEL1_GRD on creo #596

Open EmileSonneveld opened 11 months ago

EmileSonneveld commented 11 months ago

Similar to but this time for creo.

In creo_layercatalog.json, we could add "auto_polarization": true to the SENTINEL1_GRD The naming apears to be different then sentinelhub tough: Data products are available in [...] dual polarisation (VV+VH or HH+HV) or single polarisation (HH or VV) for SM, IW and EW modes.

EmileSonneveld commented 11 months ago

An example for a client side workaround:

properties = {}
if isCreo:
    properties.update({"polarisation" : lambda polar: polar == "VV&VH"})

S1bands = connection.load_collection(
    bands=['VH', 'VV'],
    # ...
EmileSonneveld commented 11 months ago

The creo_layercatalog.json commit removed this warning: UserWarning: SENTINEL1_GRD property filtering with properties that are undefined in the collection metadata (summaries): polarisation.