Open-EO / openeo-geopyspark-driver

OpenEO driver for GeoPySpark (Geotrellis)
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 4 forks source link

Only receiving errors since a few days on vito backend #630

Closed theroggy closed 5 months ago

theroggy commented 6 months ago

Not sure if this is the best channel to report this, but I don't seem to be able to run any processes.

Passed days I got this error:

'Warning: Ignore classpath  with proxy user specified in Cluster '
             'mode when '
             'spark.submit.proxyUser.allowCustomClasspathInClusterMode is '
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider: '
             'Failing over to rm2\n'
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load '
             'native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java '
             'classes where applicable\n'
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 WARN DomainSocketFactory: The short-circuit '
             'local reads feature cannot be used because libhadoop cannot be '
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO Configuration: resource-types.xml not '
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO ResourceUtils: Unable to find '
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO Client: Verifying our application has not '
             'requested more than the maximum memory capability of the cluster '
             '(52224 MB per container)\n'
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO Client: Will allocate AM container, with '
             '10240 MB memory including 2048 MB overhead\n'
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO Client: Setting up container launch '
             'context for our AM\n'
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO Client: Setting up the launch environment '
             'for our AM container\n'
             '23/12/30 20:58:18 INFO Client: Preparing resources for our AM '
             'containeTraceback (most recent call last):

With the final tries, I'm getting this error:

[{'code': 'Internal',
  'id': '',
  'level': 'error',
  'message': 'Log collection for job j-231230fdf8114cc68be34e6eb8367e15 '
             'failed. (req_id: r-231230b3efa9438ea61a268de27f5147) '
             "OpenEOApiException(status_code=504, code='Internal', "
             "message='Temporary failure while retrieving logs: "
             'ConnectionTimeout. Please try again and report this error if it '
             "persists. (ref: no-request)', id='no-request')"}]
jdries commented 6 months ago

Hi @theroggy , It seems something went wrong when retrieving the logs, but I found the real issue:

OpenEO batch job failed: geotrellis.vector.ExtentRangeError: Invalid Extent: ymin must be less than ymax (ymin=51.634591135337146, ymax=51.51454760871759)

Is it possible that this is indeed a wrong bbox?

theroggy commented 6 months ago

Oops, indeed... I switched some max vs min values in the bbox. Thanks!

If the log retrieval issue is solved, feel free to close this issue...

EmileSonneveld commented 5 months ago

Logs seem to be working fine now image