Open-EO / openeo-gfmap

Generic framework for EO mapping applications building on openEO
Apache License 2.0
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Implement a setup_logger function #108

Open VincentVerelst opened 1 month ago

VincentVerelst commented 1 month ago

Currently, a user has to manually set up a logger function. For example:

def setup_logger(level=logging.INFO) -> None:
    """Setup the logger from the openeo_gfmap package to the assigned level."""
    global pipeline_log
    pipeline_log = logging.getLogger("pipeline_sar")


    stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

    formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s|%(name)s|%(levelname)s:  %(message)s")

    # Exclude the other loggers from other libraries
    class ManagerLoggerFilter(logging.Filter):
        """Filter to only accept the OpenEO-GFMAP manager logs."""

        def filter(self, record):
            return in []


We could provide a basic setup_logger function like this in GFMap, such that the user only needs to specify the loglevel.

soxofaan commented 1 month ago

I might be missing some context, but some quick feedback

global pipeline_log

It shouldn't be necessary to use globals here. logging.getLogger("pipeline_sar") will return the same object even if called from different places, so no need to pass things around with globals.

That ManagerLoggerFilter pattern looks a bit dangerous because it will suppress everything (warnings and errors) from other components, which might hide actual problems.

soxofaan commented 1 month ago

I think something like the following has the same intent, but will not hide warnings/errors:

import logging

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)  # you can also specify a custom format here
# Set default log level to warning ...
# ... but use INFO level for our own logs