Open-EO / openeo-gfmap

Generic framework for EO mapping applications building on openEO
Apache License 2.0
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Generate a STAC catalogue after a series of job is finished #18

Closed kvantricht closed 3 months ago

kvantricht commented 5 months ago

Once a OpenEO-GFMAp task is finished, leave the option to create a STAC catalogue listing all the generated products.

By task, I mean once all the related jobs from GFMAP are finished: for example, extraction task is split in many jobs. The end of the task means the end of all the jobs and their related post-processing tasks (Issue

VincentVerelst commented 5 months ago

Currently there is a problem with creating a STAC catalogue, when the batch job results are saved as netCDF. See:

jdries commented 5 months ago

This can also be covered by this openEO feature:

VincentVerelst commented 4 months ago

There is currently also a proposal in openeo-processes for a stac_modify process:

VincentVerelst commented 4 months ago

Currently, one STAC collection is generated for a series of batch jobs. Next steps:

GriffinBabe commented 3 months ago

Merged #52