Open-EO / openeo-gfmap

Generic framework for EO mapping applications building on openEO
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Integrate Jenkins build status in github PR status #33

Open soxofaan opened 5 months ago

soxofaan commented 5 months ago

This was originally the goal of #9 but that ticket got a bit side-tracked by stuff that had to happen first.

Creating a new one specifically for getting the Jenkins build status integrated in github pull requests

soxofaan commented 5 months ago

we have this integration on repo's like and but I don't know yet how that was done


soxofaan commented 3 months ago

@JeroenVerstraelen did you already figure out how the connection between VITO Jenkins and these "check" reports in github PR views work?

JeroenVerstraelen commented 3 months ago

As discussed irl, we will have to create a new github account ourselves and ensure it can access our private repositories. Then we can switch the users in jenkins from my personal token to the new account.

kvantricht commented 3 months ago

As discussed irl, we will have to create a new github account ourselves and ensure it can access our private repositories. Then we can switch the users in jenkins from my personal token to the new account.

Who will create and maintain this new account? Is this project-specific or something multiple projects will make use of?

kvantricht commented 2 months ago

@JeroenVerstraelen can you give an update on the progress and let us know if there's hanging tasks for other people?

JeroenVerstraelen commented 2 months ago

@kvantricht It's something we would like to use for all openEO related projects. @jdries Which vito email address can we use for this?

jdries commented 2 months ago

we would need to create a new vito email address for this I assume.

JeroenVerstraelen commented 1 month ago

@jdries Did we already have a vito email address for this or is it best to make an ASSIST ticket at INF to create a new one?

jdries commented 1 month ago

best to create new mailing list via cvb, inf usually does shared mailboxes, which may be more difficult to track