Open-EO / openeo-gfmap

Generic framework for EO mapping applications building on openEO
Apache License 2.0
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Provide demo reference dataset from WorldCereal to setup extractions workflow #40

Closed kvantricht closed 4 months ago

kvantricht commented 4 months ago

Need a representative dataset from which we can start setting up the extractions workflow.

kvantricht commented 4 months ago

@GriffinBabe I prepared a first demo dataset as requested. Remember in the future this data will come from requests to the API. But for the time being, please find the file here: /vitodata/worldcereal/tmp/kristof/GFMAP/2021_EUR_DEMO_POLY_110.gpkg

This is coming from EUROCROPS, and hence spans multiple countries which is interesting for testing the spatial splitter. Following attributes are present (can be renamed in the future):

So when extract==True, the field needs to be used for extracting a patch. Remember that for rasterizing ground truth, we want all fields inside the patch regardless if they need to serve as extraction or not. We just need to make sure the fields cover the same (more or less) valid_date to be valid for the actual extraction. In this case, all data comes from same ref_id so we should be safe.