Open GriffinBabe opened 9 months ago
Daniele managed to solve this issue previously by reconstructing the grid with this solution:
# build h3 grid
import geopandas as gpd
import h3
import hvplot.pandas
import shapely
from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiPolygon, Polygon
from shapely.ops import split, unary_union
from tqdm import tqdm
# Get the boundary coordinates for each cell
def get_boundary_coordinates(h3_index):
lat_lon_boundary = h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(h3_index, geo_json=True)
return Polygon(lat_lon_boundary)
def check_and_fix_antimeridian_crossing(polygon):
# A line that we will use to split the polygon at the antimeridian
eps = 0
splitter = LineString([(-180, 90), (-180, -90)])
# Check if the polygon crosses the antimeridian by looking for a large jump in longitude
coords = list(polygon.exterior.coords)
crosses_antimeridian = any(
(x1 > 100 and x2 < -100) or (x1 < -100 and x2 > 100)
for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(coords, coords[1:] + [coords[0]])
if crosses_antimeridian:
# Normalize coordinates to split across the antimeridian
normalized_coords = [(x - 360 if x > 0 else x, y) for x, y in coords]
normalized_polygon = Polygon(normalized_coords)
# Split the polygon using the splitter line
split_result = split(normalized_polygon, splitter)
# # Filter out non-polygon geometries (like LinearRings or Points that might be created)
# split_polygons = [geom for geom in split_result if isinstance(geom, Polygon)]
# Normalize the polygons to have their coordinates within the range (-180, 180)
fixed_polygons = []
for poly in split_result.geoms:
new_coords = []
if poly.centroid.x < -180:
new_coords = [(x + 360, y) for x, y in poly.exterior.coords]
new_coords = [(x + eps, y) if x == -180 else (x, y)
for x, y in new_coords]
new_coords = [(x - eps, y) if x == 180 else (x, y)
for x, y in new_coords]
new_coords = [(x, y) for x, y in poly.exterior.coords]
new_coords = [(x + eps, y) if x == -180 else (x, y)
for x, y in new_coords]
new_coords = [(x - eps, y) if x == 180 else (x, y)
for x, y in new_coords]
# fixed_polygons.append(poly)
# Return the resulting polygons as a MultiPolygon
new_polygon = MultiPolygon(fixed_polygons)
# Return the resulting polygons as a MultiPolygon
return new_polygon
return polygon # Return the original polygon if it doesn't cross the antimeridian
def get_cell_id(centroid):
x, y = centroid.x, centroid.y
if x < 0:
east_west = 'W'
east_west = 'E'
if y < 0:
north_south = 'S'
north_south = 'N'
return f"{east_west}{abs(round(x)):03d}{north_south}{abs(round(y)):02d}"
def _cast_to_multi(geom):
if isinstance(geom, Polygon):
return MultiPolygon([geom])
return geom
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
from loguru import logger
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('resolution', type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Get all H3 cells at resolution
resolution = args.resolution"Building H3 grid at resolution {resolution}")
h3_grid_fn = f'/vitodata/vegteam/auxdata/grid/h3/h3_grid_res{resolution}.fgb'"Saving H3 grid to {h3_grid_fn}")
all_cells = list(h3.get_res0_indexes())
all_cells_res2 = [h3.h3_to_children(cell, resolution)
for cell in tqdm(all_cells)]
# Flatten the list of sets into a unique set
all_cells_res2 = set().union(*all_cells_res2)
# Create a GeoDataFrame
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({
'geometry': [get_boundary_coordinates(cell)
for cell in tqdm(all_cells_res2)],
'h3_index': list(all_cells_res2)
}, crs=4326)
# Example usage:
polygons = gdf.geometry.values # Define your polygon here
new = [check_and_fix_antimeridian_crossing(
p) for p in tqdm(polygons.tolist())]
gdf_fix = gdf.copy()
gdf_fix['geometry'] = gdf.apply(
lambda row: check_and_fix_antimeridian_crossing(row.geometry), axis=1).values
# cell_id from centroid
gdf_fix['cell_id'] = gdf_fix.centroid.apply(get_cell_id)
gdf_fix.shape[0], gdf_fix.value_counts('cell_id').max()
gdf_fix = gdf_fix[['cell_id', 'h3_index', 'geometry']]
gdf_fix['geometry'] = gdf_fix.geometry.apply(_cast_to_multi)
It was notified by Daniele that the
library has issues on the hexagonal tiles close to the antemeridian line. There should be an investigation of thesplit_h3_tiles
function as well a fix to implement if necessary.