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all/any: Return value for empty arrays? #494

Open m-mohr opened 6 months ago

m-mohr commented 6 months ago

Process ID: all / any

Describe the issue: The processes all and any return null for empty arrays in openEO

I think the thought was to express that an empty array means no-data, e.g. all([]) -> null, but also all([null], ignore_nodata = false) -> null (here: null = no-data value). So that an empty array has the same meaning as an array with solely no-data values (if not ignored).

This still makes sense, but it is not consistent with common languages though:

all([]) any([]) Note
Python true false
R true false use c() instead of []
Julia true false
JavaScript true false all is [].every(x => x) and any is [].some(x => x)
Java true false all is allMatch and any is anyMatch

Note: in JS all is [].every(x => x) and any is [].some(x => x)

According to ChatGPT this is also the case for C++, C#, Ruby, Haskell, Perl, Groovy, Scala, and Kotlin.

ChatGPT also says:

The choice between returning True/False or NoData depends on the context of the application and the specific requirements of the data processing or logical evaluation being performed. In most programming scenarios, True/False is preferred for its logical consistency. However, in data analysis, scientific computing, or situations where the distinction between "no data" and "a definitive answer" is significant, returning a NoData value might be more appropriate.

Proposed solution: We should discuss whether to update all to return true and any to return false for empty arrays. I'm not sure myself.