I'm using openeo package to collect satellite images fro Sentinell2_L1C and it works untill i arrive to start_job function that give me back the message "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. • SERVER-ERROR: Server error: Exception('Datatype unknown.')".
I tried to simplify the datacube,
I eliminated the median calculation process,
I also try to transform the job in a proces but in this case the message change returning "HTTP 404 Not Found.
• SERVER-ERROR: The batch job '' does not exist."
I can't solve the problem, is there anyone who can give me some advice?
Dear all,
I'm using openeo package to collect satellite images fro Sentinell2_L1C and it works untill i arrive to start_job function that give me back the message "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. • SERVER-ERROR: Server error: Exception('Datatype unknown.')".
I tried to simplify the datacube, I eliminated the median calculation process, I also try to transform the job in a proces but in this case the message change returning "HTTP 404 Not Found. • SERVER-ERROR: The batch job '' does not exist."
I can't solve the problem, is there anyone who can give me some advice?
thanks all
P.s. below you can find the code used code.
library(openeo) library(sf) mask <- read_sf("D:/Progetti/SSF_INLA/shp/Mask_salerno.shp") mask1 <- st_transform(mask, crs = 4326) extent <- st_bbox(mask1) connection <- connect(host = "https://openeo.dataspace.copernicus.eu") processes <- list_processes() login() p <- processes() datacube <- p$load_collection( id = "SENTINEL2_L1C", spatial_extent = list(west = extent[1] , south = extent[2], east = extent[3], north = extent[4]), temporal_extent = c('2024-06-01','2024-06-30'), bands = c("B02", "B03", "B04", "B05", "B08"), properties = list("eo:cloud_cover" = function(x) x <= 5) ) datacubeMedian <- p$median(data = datacube, ignore_nodata = T) formats <- list_file_formats() result <- p$save_result(data = datacubeMedian, format = formats$output$GTiff) job <- create_job(graph = result, title = "Draft")
######## Here is the problem ##################################################
start_job(job = job)
job1 <- as(job,"Process") start_job(job = job1)