Open-EO / openeo-wcps-driver

A prototype implementation for WC(P)S backends
Apache License 2.0
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make list_udf_runtimes dynamic #39

Open przell opened 4 years ago

przell commented 4 years ago

Currently list_udf_runtimes is hardcodeds (it returns information even if the udf server is down) and always returns the same information to the user. Irrespective of what is actually installed on the udf-server. Here some information from @flahn:

Wie habt ihr den Endpunkt "/udf_runtimes" implementiert? list_udf_runtimes referenziert nur darauf. Lest ihr die Liste der installierten Packages über die R-UDF Service Info ("/") aus oder habt ihr die Liste bei euch hardgecoded.

We should keep in mind to change this behavior.

flahn commented 4 years ago

Just keep in mind that I do not follow any API specification with the endpoint "/packages" on the R UDF. Meaning, don't expect the Python UDF to offer this endpoint.