Open-EO / openeo-web-editor

An interactive and easy to use web-based editor for the OpenEO API.
Apache License 2.0
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Better indication that batch job is being started #233

Open soxofaan opened 2 years ago

soxofaan commented 2 years ago

Starting a batch job (POST /jobs/{}/results request) can take some time. E.g on VITO backend it can sometimes take tens of seconds sometimes even more, depending on the load of our cluster/scheduler. While we should improve this response time, we will probably not be able to reduce this drastically to below 1 second for example.

In this context, the "start batch job" button in the web editor does not seem to work: you press it an nothing seems to happen. There is a progress indicator in the lower left that is spinning, but it's not obvious that this is related with pressing the start button.

I think it would be good that the "start button" (and maybe other buttons too) change state in some way to better indicate that a (a potentially long) request is ongoing: e.g change color, change icon to a progress indicator, ...

m-mohr commented 2 years ago

Yes, I saw this issue with the VITO backend, too. That made me implement the spinner that you have mentioned. We may improve the Button behavior at some point, but this has low priority right now.