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Cookbook: PNG options are from GEE #54

Closed m-mohr closed 2 years ago

m-mohr commented 2 years ago

In the Cookbook there's an example that is very GEE specific as it lists three options from GEE:

We should document better (with a warning box?) that users need to check back-end options on how to set PNG RGB layers to bands and that the example given is specific to GEE.

clausmichele commented 2 years ago

I've actually implemented this at Eurac following the same structure you have for GEE. How do we streamline this? Should we agree on the properties to use if the back-end offers this functionality?

m-mohr commented 2 years ago

Good question. I have no answer yet except that streamlining would be good. I assume we could open a document with recommendations in openeo-processes or openeo-api. Other than that we only have the Platform-specific agreement right now.

clausmichele commented 2 years ago

@m-mohr should we add some details about PNG options in save_result description? For me, we could directly re use all the available options as they are implemented in GEE and use them as reference for new implementations.

m-mohr commented 2 years ago

@clausmichele No, save_result is file-format agnostic. These things should be defined in /file_formats. To align, we could instead write a best practice for specific file-formats, like we have started for Platform already: I guess we should add PNG and JPEG there and could then evolve from Platform to general openEO at some point.

clausmichele commented 2 years ago

Alright. I will implement the PNG format for EODC so that both back-ends in the aggregator have it and later we will be able to improve that document adding PNG details.