Open-MBEE / exec-cameo-mdk

Cameo plugin for MMS sync and DocGen
Apache License 2.0
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How does one connect the MagicDraw plugin to self-hosted OpenMBEE #5

Closed phx-jrs closed 2 years ago

phx-jrs commented 9 years ago

I am in the process of setting up my own installation of OpenMBEE. I installed Alfresco (v4.2.f) and the OpenMBEE AMPs. As a first smoke test of the server, I went to the Alfresco login page and I now see the Europa EMS login prompt.

I then installed the MagicDraw plugin in MagicDraw 17.0.5. After restarting MagicDraw, I can see the MDK and MMS menus. When I open a project and attempt to connect to my installation of OpenMBEE the MagicDraw plugin only prompts me for my username and password. I do not see where I need to enter the ip address/hostname of my local installation of OpenMBEE.

Is there a configuration file or setting dialog I can access to update the MMS server ip address/hostname?


Enquier commented 9 years ago

Hi JRS, It looks like the MDK manual still hasn't made it into an OpenSource release I will try to make that happen. For now I recommend taking a look at the "Architectural Patterns & Examples.mdzip" under examples in the MDK repo. That is the model we generate all our manuals from.

As for getting MDK to talk to OpenMBEE:

  1. Mount "SysML_Extensions.mdzip" from {install.dir}/profiles/mdk
  2. Add <> stereotype to 'Data'
  3. Take a look at the tagged values for <> in data there should be three: site,url,baseline
  4. Under 'url' put the server name address for your server i.e localhost, IP, or (this may require an :8443 port added depending on how you have deployed Alfresco).
  5. under site put the site url-name ie the name that is in the dashboard link for your particular site. You need to create a site first if you already haven't
  6. ignore baseline
  7. now log in using user name and password from MMS->login
  8. Right click on data and click validate
  9. from there the validation suite will take over you should get an option to "Initialize and Export Project and Model" (or something like that)
  10. choose 'no' on background export unless you have email configured. MagicDraw will become unresponsive for a time depending on the size of the model 100 elements less than a minute 1000's upwards of 10-15. This step only has to happen once after that you can sync in smaller chunks.

Hope this gets you started!

dlamoris commented 9 years ago

Just noticed the stereotype name got munched by github becausae of the brackets, the stereotype to put on is called ModelManagementSystem

phx-jrs commented 9 years ago

Thanks @Enquier and @dlamoris. I will give this a whirl in a bit and will post my results.

phx-jrs commented 9 years ago

@Enquier and @dlamoris - Those instructions were very helpful. I have managed to get to the point where I am logged in to the MMS from MagicDraw, but I have encountered a couple of more errors/issues.

  1. I received the following error when opening the "Architectural Patterns & Examples.mdzip" file: missing plugin: SSCAE Project Usage Integrity Checker

I tried to select the copy of this plug-in that I have from an email thread about MMS, but it appears to be for a different version of MagicDraw. For now I just clicked on the Continue button to move forward (guessing that is not the ideal choice).

  1. In the Containment Tree, the IMCE and Systems Architecture Framework nodes are greyed out. Is this a problem?
  2. I assume step 8 refers to the MMS>Validate Model command. If so, I get the following error when I try to run it: This project doesn't exist on the web yet, or the site has been moved

Any ideas on what might be causing that?

Thanks again for all of the help,


phx-jrs commented 9 years ago

Oh and I just saw one more thing. The URL in my DocWeb dashlet in my site's dashboard is wrong. It points at https://ems/alfresco/mmsapp/docweb.html#/sites/test-site instead of https://{my server's ip address:port}/alfresco/mmsapp/docweb.html#/sites/test-site. Do you know where I can change the hostname/port for the docweb dashlet?

dlamoris commented 9 years ago

on step 8, you can right click on the error in the validation window and it should provide an option to initialize project and model

phx-jrs commented 9 years ago

@dlamoris - I tried the "Initialize project and model" command but it came back with an error (very similar to before: "project does not exist..." or something similar). Just to make sure that the error was consistent, I reran the "Initialize project and model" command. This time the command appears to have gotten hung up. The Exporting Model dialog popped up, but the progress bar is still at 0% and it has been this way for nearly 30 minutes.

Any thoughts on what would be causing this? Could it be related to the IMCE or System Architecture Framework nodes being greyed out in the Containment Tree?

dlamoris commented 9 years ago

You may want to try a smaller model first - I recommend starting a new project, mount the SysML Extensions profile and make a very simple document (or even before that just try to export that project first). Also make sure that the MMS Site specified in the stereotype isnt' the human readable site name but the site string in the url (for example, if your site is called "My Site", the site string is most likely my-site). On larger models like the one you opened, doing the export in the foreground will hang magicdraw for a long time, so do it in the background if you have email configured in alfresco.

cukii commented 9 years ago

@phx-jrs Were you able to get it working? I'm stuck at "Initialize project and model". I'm guessing that I am successfully logging into the server if I'm getting that message. But, all I get if I try to initialize is "The thing you're trying to validate or get wasn't found on the server, see validation window". I'm working off the alfresco amp from mvn-amp, and I created a site called "test". I'm pointing the url to "http://localhost:8080/alfresco". The Notification Window says it's "[INFO] Sending..."

dlamoris commented 9 years ago

@cukli just use http://localhost:8080 without the trailing alfesco as the url

cukii commented 9 years ago

@dlamoris Hmm, that still doesn't work. The error message I get in the validation suite says, "This project doesn't exist on the web yet, or the site has been moved." I tried different combinations of localhost,, alfresco.