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Revisit existing Flexo architecture documentation #46

Open lewismc opened 1 year ago

lewismc commented 1 year ago

We are interested in restructuring the Flexo architecture so that it reads like an intuitive guide. An example of that is the Cassandra architecture documentation.

Cassandra architecture is broken down into the following

AWS's DynamoDB documentation provides another excellent example of straightforward, intuitive information which someone can engage with and educate themselves with before attempting to use the product. We need to do the same for OpenMBEE/Flexo.

We can use these as motivation for identifying what is missing from our architectural documentation.

The desired outcome from this task is for us to outline a structure for our architectural documentation and then create separate tickets which will deliver the documentation for each of those areas.

lewismc commented 12 months ago

@vaishnaviyathirajam and I determined that we don't really have the know-how to overhaul this documentation right now. We propose that we organize a working documentation session where we can collaborate on language.