Open-NC / Are-We-Represented

Main repository for the Are We Represented? project
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Reconciliation of census vs voter registration race/ethnic categories #4

Open ejaxon opened 6 years ago

ejaxon commented 6 years ago

The voter registration data and population census data may treat racial and ethnic attributes differently. This task is to understand and document how each represents them and to propose a way to reconcile them for purposes of this project.

ChrisTheDBA commented 6 years ago

Beyond that and more fundamental is the fact that voters are split into voting districts and might not reflect the demographic profile of the census block or even span more than one census block.

There needs to be a geospatial reconciliation of these polygons.

It might help to get some small-scale experiments done in well-understood locations to gauge the viability of different approaches.

ejaxon commented 6 years ago

Initially we're keeping the analysis to the county level to avoid all these complexities. Later we can explore delving down and reconciling at the district level.