Open-Online-Education-Project / OCMI

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LoFi wireframes of course UI #3

Open freyquency opened 4 years ago

freyquency commented 4 years ago

I think there's a few different presentations of content to consider:

  1. Content broken into section pages - similar to what OCW has now
  2. Content broken into collapsible sections
  3. Content arranged by week, sessions, etc
  4. edX style presentation of content - where each week, session, etc has different screens for content (read something, watch a video, self-assessment, project assignment, etc)
  5. Tableau style - all the content links etc presented as a table - one thing to note here is that tables should not be used for this, as it's a nightmare to adapt to for small screens. CSS Flexbox and Grid on semantic HTML is the way to go when doing dev.
edemaine commented 4 years ago

Another idea: Logged-in users can check off lectures/psets that they've "done", so easy to track their own progress and pick up where they left off.