If the Talons are given power before the window is opened, and the user attempts to open the Window after the Simulation GUI crashes.
Full Crash Report:
________ ______ __
(( ) /_ __/___ ____ ______/ /_
|| o o | / / / __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __/
|| 3 | / / / /_/ / /_/ (__ ) /_
\\_______/ /_/ \____/\__,_/____/\__/
[09/02/16-01:47:11] [Toast] [Bootstrap] [INFO] Toast Version: 2.4.4
[09/02/16-01:47:11] [Toast] [Bootstrap] [INFO] Toast Commit Hash: 074932c
[09/02/16-01:47:11] [Toast] [Core-Initialization] [INFO] Toast Started with Run Arguments: [-sim]
[09/02/16-01:47:11] [Toast] [Pre-Initialization] [INFO] Slicing Loaf...
[09/02/16-01:47:14] [Toast] [Initialization] [INFO] Nuking Toast...
platform: /Mac OS X/x86_64/
[09/02/16-01:47:15] [Toast] [Pre-Start] [INFO] Buttering Bread...
[09/02/16-01:47:15] [Toast|Loader] [Pre-Start] [INFO] Module Loaded: Mr. Roboto - Team 5933 - Main Robot Module@0.1.1
[09/02/16-01:47:15] [Toast|Loader] [Pre-Start] [INFO] Module Loaded: Like A Record - Team 5933 - Motor Control@0.1.0
[09/02/16-01:47:15] [Toast|Loader] [Pre-Start] [INFO] Module Loaded: Electric Feel - Team 5933 - Rumble Feedback@0.1.0
[09/02/16-01:47:15] [Toast] [Start] [INFO] Fabricating Sandwich...
[09/02/16-01:47:15] [Toast] [Start] [INFO] Verdict: Hot, Hot, HOT!!
[09/02/16-01:47:15] [Toast] [Main] [INFO] Total Initiation Time: 4.378 seconds
Robot Drive... Output not updated often enough.
**** CRASH LOG ****
Your robot has crashed. Following is a crash log and more details.
This log has been saved to: /Users/kepler/Developer/Judgement Call/Mr. Roboto/run/gradle/simulation/toast/crash/crash-2016-02-09_01-48-38.txt
This log will also be duplicated to USB devices, with the filename: crash-2016-02-09_01-48-38.txt
________ __ ____ ____ __
(( ) / / / / /_ / __ \/ /_
|| x x | / / / / __ \ / / / / __ \
|| ^ | / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / / / /
\\_______/ \____/_/ /_/ \____/_/ /_/
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.loader.simulation.srx.GuiSRX.update(GuiSRX.java:46)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.loader.simulation.srx.GuiSRX$$Lambda$27/1388693377.run(Unknown Source)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.loader.simulation.srx.SRX_Reg$SRX_Wrapper.update(SRX_Reg.java:36)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.loader.simulation.srx.SRX_Reg$SRX_Wrapper.setVBus(SRX_Reg.java:57)
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.hal.CanTalonJNI.Set(CanTalonJNI.java:143)
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CANTalon.set(CANTalon.java:430)
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CANTalon.set(CANTalon.java:491)
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive.setLeftRightMotorOutputs(RobotDrive.java:632)
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive.arcadeDrive(RobotDrive.java:480)
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive.arcadeDrive(RobotDrive.java:369)
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive.arcadeDrive(RobotDrive.java:383)
at frc.team5933.motors.Drive.arcadeDrive(Drive.java:48)
at frc.team5933.motors.MotorControl.teleopPeriodic(MotorControl.java:58)
at jaci.openrio.toast.lib.module.IterativeModule.tickState(IterativeModule.java:30)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.StateTracker.tick(StateTracker.java:130)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.StateTracker.init(StateTracker.java:102)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.Toast.startCompetition_2(Toast.java:123)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.Toast.startCompetition(Toast.java:88)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.ToastBootstrap.fakeRobotBase(ToastBootstrap.java:247)
at jaci.openrio.toast.core.ToastBootstrap.main(ToastBootstrap.java:210)
Crash Information:
Toast Version: 2.4.4
Loaded Modules:
Mr. Roboto - Team 5933 - Main Robot Module@0.1.1
Like A Record - Team 5933 - Motor Control@0.1.0
Electric Feel - Team 5933 - Rumble Feedback@0.1.0
Toast: 2.4.4
Git: 074932c (074932cf75491f81829aa387c16ff92268797f83)
Type: Simulation
FMS: false
OS: Mac OS X 10.11.1 (x86_64)
Java: 1.8.0_45 (Oracle Corporation)
Java Path: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
JScript: Supported (Nashorn)
Mr. Roboto - Team 5933 - Main Robot Module
Name: Mr. Roboto - Team 5933 - Main Robot Module
Version: 0.1.1
File: /Users/kepler/Developer/Judgement Call/Mr. Roboto/run/gradle/simulation/toast/modules/Mr. Roboto - Main Robot Module.jar
Bypass Class: null
Core Module Class: null
Owned Packages:
Like A Record - Team 5933 - Motor Control
Name: Like A Record - Team 5933 - Motor Control
Version: 0.1.0
File: /Users/kepler/Developer/Judgement Call/Mr. Roboto/run/gradle/simulation/toast/modules/Mr. Roboto - Main Robot Module.jar
Bypass Class: null
Core Module Class: null
Owned Packages:
Electric Feel - Team 5933 - Rumble Feedback
Name: Electric Feel - Team 5933 - Rumble Feedback
Version: 0.1.0
File: /Users/kepler/Developer/Judgement Call/Mr. Roboto/run/gradle/simulation/toast/modules/Mr. Roboto - Main Robot Module.jar
Bypass Class: null
Core Module Class: null
Owned Packages:
If the Talons are given power before the window is opened, and the user attempts to open the Window after the Simulation GUI crashes.
Full Crash Report:
Repo with Crashing Code