This 'issue' refers to feature requests and milestone targets for the 2.X.X version of Toast. These will be checked off as they are completed, and anyone can submit followup comments to this post to request features.
[x] Get everything working properly
[x] Attempt to optimize things such as the JavaScript Engine, Logger and Threading
[x] Make sure everything is thread-safe and can be logged, even if the logger isn't ready
[x] Keep the profiler running during initialisation
[x] Make sure it works on all environments
[x] Linux
[x] Windows
[x] Darwin
[x] RoboRIO ARM
[x] Attempt to switch less-vital parts of the loading phase over to an event-based architecture (only make things wait if they need it, otherwise mark initialization as 'done')
[x] Full Testing Support for lesser-used mechanisms such as pneumatics and DIO
[x] Integrate the DriveSim module with the Toast Core
[ ] Start work on C++ native extensions
[ ] Attempt to fork some functions over to annotation-based AST compiler flags to make base-classing easier
[ ] Get most-often invoked utilities to work under C++ to make things faster
[ ] Add support for time-consuming calculations to be offloaded to C++
[ ] Add State Machine support for Autonomous actions
[ ] Make C++ Native Extensions hook into NI's Real-Time threading, to make JVM Threads run Real-Time
[ ] Add neural network support to C++
[ ] Have PID / Swerve / Mecanum offsets train off of the C++ neural nets
This 'issue' refers to feature requests and milestone targets for the 2.X.X version of Toast. These will be checked off as they are completed, and anyone can submit followup comments to this post to request features.