Open-Shell / Open-Shell-Menu

Classic Shell Reborn.
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Please emulate windows 7 or 10 task bar on Windows 11 #766

Open DavidXanatos opened 3 years ago

DavidXanatos commented 3 years ago

Windows 11 apparently has castrated and crippled the task bar a lot, a huge lot, Can only be located on the bottom, you can not disable merging buttons, paratactically no context menu. This is useless!

I think the next major build of Open-Shell-Menu must fix this by providing a full blown taskbar replacement with all the win 7 and 10 functionality we grew to love and depend upon.

Cheers David X.

Gaurav-Original-ClassicShellTester commented 2 years ago

Well Actual Multiple Monitors ( - $25 app which is often discounted around holidays to $15 has its own taskbar implementation which can also replace the Windows taskbar on the primary monitor and supports full multi-monitor functionality (system tray on secondary monitors). It's a bit buggy, not as configurable as the Windows taskbar (no settings like 7+ Taskbar Tweaker's full customization). But it's better than the Windows 11 taskbar. 😄

If some day the classic Taskbar code in Windows 11 is deleted by Microsoft, the taskbar in AMM will give a working Windows 7 taskbar minus 7+TT's tweaks to it. There's also an upcoming fork of RetroBar called BetterTaskbar:

Brad-git-man commented 2 years ago

like 7+ Taskbar Tweaker's full customization

I use 7+ Taskbar Tweaker & I really like it's taskbar icon enlargement setting. It undoes the idiots at Micro$ost thinking that the taskbar icons need to be nearly as small as the system tray icons. My 2K monitors made MS's stupid idea even worse. I am still appalled at many of the downgrades that MS has tried to force upon Windows users since 2012.

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago seams to be able to return the usefull taskbar very well

ToddAndMargo commented 2 years ago

On 9/23/21 2:51 PM, DavidXanatos wrote: seams to be able to return the usefull taskbar very well

They want $3.00 and don't say anything about W11. But they do have a trial version

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

here is teh win 11 version: its beta

and yes its not free thats why Open Shell should provide teh same functionality

Aokromes commented 2 years ago

ToddAndMargo commented 2 years ago

Any beta or anything else to test yet?

blackcrack commented 2 years ago

Explorer Patcher ... TIW11

ToddAndMargo commented 2 years ago

On 10/16/21 20:45, blackcrack wrote:

Explorer Patcher

You have to compile the turkey!

blackcrack commented 2 years ago

ah, the peoples have no brain ? maaannnn, they are lazy !!! *harhar* and @ToddAndMargo you want support this.. omg ! Commoonn... !!

ToddAndMargo commented 2 years ago

On 10/16/21 21:40, blackcrack wrote:

ah, the peoples have no brain ? maaannnn, they are lazy !!! harhar and @ToddAndMargo you want support this.. omg ! Commoonn... !!

Maybe when OpenShell goes into general release, you could suggest that OpenShell have everyone that wants to run it download a compiler and compile it themselves AND figure out how to to install it on their own too. It would certainly get rid of the "lazy" riff raff.

ToddAndMargo commented 2 years ago

On 10/16/21 20:45, blackcrack wrote:

Explorer Patcher ... TIW11

Actually I meant OpenShell, but thanks for the link anyway. Explorer Patcher seems really interesting.

ToddAndMargo commented 2 years ago

Anything to test yet on Open Shell for Windows 11?

Klipperken commented 1 year ago

what i mean is i want this grafik

I have not used myself that "10 different Explorer buttons" in the taskbar for years. Maybe it's just a matter to getting used to changes

change is what is ruining the world. and windows 11 is part of the decline in the world. its ugly and runs bad, it has nothing but GUI changes that are bad and disabled features that are actually needed. If they want to disable stuff try disabling features no one uses like all the bloatware CRAP they force to be installed like skype and other software that uses cpu that noone uses..... windows 10 was supposed to be the LAST OS and they lied, cheated and now lied again. windows 11 is a mistake and whoever designed it was 12 years old thinking it was a good design.

Change ... is what destroys the planet. Never "fix" what ain't broken, or you will break it.

Win 7 Taskbar had options like adding the Admin Toolset to it, which I use a lot. And I mean ... a WHOLE lot.

Since the Win 8 farce, all went to hell: MS locked many features, it is far more user unfriendly, often needs a ton of steps where things used to be easy, and thus FAST, which are now very time consuming.

To name but one of these "changes": Me: click program icon Windows: "Dewd, ya sure ya wanna run this?" Me: Idiot, why else would I click the damn icon? Windows (Corona or whatever her damn name is): "There is no need to insult me." ... ... while Windows gives me a new pop-up like: "Are ya absotivity, possilutely sure, ya wanna to run this proggy-thingy?" Me: *opens the window ... .

Sure, you can go edit windows PER PROGRAM INSTALLED to not bother me with these nonsense, but why not have a "Do not ask me AGAIN, MicroShit." option in right click menu? No, let's do it the long way.

Well, I got no time for all that.

On top, I got severe Asperger's. When I learn something, it is hard to unlearn it for most humans. For me then, that a 1000-fold. Each difference is hard to me, and people like me. On top, I have severe ADHD, it is hard to keep focus, and I am fairly scattered in mind. Which makes it even harder for me to learn new shit every sodding new release.

That they want to make things "safe" is one thing. That they make things often nigh impossible, quite a whole other.

Not to mention the constant issues Win 11 brings with it.

And thus, I am looking as well for a decent Win 7 Taskbar as it was back then. It can be done, I just do not know how.

StartAllBack? Lovely ... if only it worked.

I'vew been telling the fools since Win XP, to not alter things too much, for the sake of people like me, with ASS and similar disorders. But, screw us, they say.

Other feedback as well was never implemented, though, some had really nice like amounts. Why have this goddamn system, if they do not look at it?

Well, to keep us quiet, and hopeful,

Another good one: Windows Support Forum: Even though they make billions a year, the @$@#$% are too cheap to put in a few actual PROFESSIONAL support operators to help us. We have to fall back on other users.

Pro Support? Sure, got a few weeks before we reply? IF we do not forget to reply, which we surely will. Oh, and, do not email us anymore, this email address will be close... click

Fuckers, them MicroShit folks..

Brad-git-man commented 1 year ago

I summed it all up in one line nearly 10 yrs ago that "Everything after 7 is a bastardization of computing and software sacrilege of prior Windows versions". No MicroSloth was not made to pay for their sins of 8 & 10. And your only option now is to run LTSC, it's what I do, and it gives you back a lot of the rights that you should have as a sovereign computer OWNER of YOUR PC hardware. Among removing by default so much of the dogshit that MicroSloth has added to "so called pro".

Klipperken commented 1 year ago

Interestingly, I did not see any of the regained rights or freedoms. But having installed Win 11 recently, having TONNES of issues, I did not have the chance to fully explore it.

BTW, know where I can get a clean Windows 11 pro build 22621.1778 iso? The MS Downloader gave an older build, which promptly began to update ... resulting in my partitions being displaced ( ) and I being screwed.

If you can help me, I would be very, VERY grateful ... .

Brad-git-man commented 1 year ago

@Klipperken Are you running 10 LTSC or do you not even know what they is, b\c it is supported till 2032. And there is no reason to even be fricking with 11 until 11 LTSC comes out in Q3 of next yr (2024 for year ref).

Klipperken commented 1 year ago

@Klipperken Are you running 10 LTSC or do you not even know what they is, b\c it is supported till 2032. And there is no reason to even be fricking with 11 until 11 LTSC comes out in Q3 of next yr (2024 for year ref).

Had W10 Long Term, but moved to Win 11 as I would eventually have to get used to it. Better to do so early on, no?

Why would I not know what LTSC means? o_O

Brad-git-man commented 1 year ago

You will spare yourself the dogshit if you stick w/ LTSC, then you wouldn't have to go on forums & rant about what you don't like. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Klipperken commented 1 year ago

Well, it's not so, that I go onto sites to rant about something. Some here said to go with change, but change is usually not for the better, is it? Which was basically what my first post here was about.

You will spare yourself the dogshit if you stick w/ LTSC, then you wouldn't have to go on forums & rant about what you don't like. Well, I have had HEAPS of the dog shit, but in amounts that would even make a Brontosaur run for it's life. It's amazing how bugged the damn thing is. I've been trying to fix shit on this Win 11 for the past 8 days now, each time I fix something, I run into a different error.

Even "pro users" stay way from my issues. Says a lot.

I've been into computers since 1986, I am 52, june 12 I become 53 ... that is, if my heart does not fail me. I've been near throwing my PC out the window (57th floor), if I could have opened the damn thing.

In hindsight, I was happy, it cannot be opened ... . O_O