Open-Source-Spatial-Clean-Cooking-Tool / OnStove

This repository contain the general code for the Open Source Spatial Clean Cooking Tool OnStove
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Calculate potential of eCooking with current mini-grids #309

Closed camiloramirezgo closed 1 year ago

camiloramirezgo commented 1 year ago

Method calculate_potential in the MiniGrids class that calculates the potential number of households that the mini-grids in the coverage area (see coverage attribute) could support. This calculation should be done based on the capacity of the mini-grid the number of households it serves, the current base load (or peak load?) and the added peak load due to cooking. The method's output should be a DataSeries with the number of households supported in each cell. This series should be saved in the self.households attribute.

camiloramirezgo commented 1 year ago

Peak load

To calculate the peak load due to cooking we should use information about the technology such as the stove efficiency, time of cooking and amount of meals per day.

camiloramirezgo commented 1 year ago

From Alicia's research:

Here are the numbers which I think we could use to see whether any mini-/micro- can support some HH for ecooking:

  1. Average power rating of induction stove: 1.2 kW, they range from 1 to 2.2 kW (source: Nepal Electricity Status Report)
  2. Cooking duration per day: 2.5 hours (source: Nepal Electricity Status Report)
  3. Average energy consumption per day: 3kWh (source: Nepal Electricity Status Report) a. This is contrary to a MECS study that found only .25kWh/day…but I assume that this is per capita from reading the study.
  4. Sounds like the average capacity factor of MHP in Nepal is around 80% (source: IRENA)
  5. Average power consumption per household for electricity only from MHPs: 1kW (source: MECS)
  6. Average peak demand for induction: 1.2kW (source: Nepal Electricity Status Report)

So using these numbers for MHPs above 50kW, can we do: (80% (capacity factor) * capacity) - # of HH connected X 1kW = leftover kW for e-cooking / 1.2kW = # of connected HH that can be supported for ecooking