Open-Source-Spatial-Clean-Cooking-Tool / OnStove

This repository contain the general code for the Open Source Spatial Clean Cooking Tool OnStove
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Improve step 4 of the notebook #342

Closed camiloramirezgo closed 1 year ago

camiloramirezgo commented 1 year ago

Add parameters to the plotting functions to save the images as dpi=300, save_as='tech_split.png'. This now works for all plots including the map, but needs to be implemented in the notebook.

camiloramirezgo commented 1 year ago

I added the option to configure the appearance of the stats box in the plot function. So we need to update the call to the function in the notebook, and users can play around with that. It looks something like this now:

results.plot('max_benefit_tech', cmap=cmap, 
             title=f'Maximum net-benefit cooking technology', 
             figsize=(5, 7),
             labels=labels, legend=True, legend_title='Maximum benefit\ncooking technology', 
             legend_position=(1, 0.7),
             legend_prop={'title': {'size': 10, 'weight': 'bold'}, 'size': 9},
             rasterized=True, stats=True, 
             stats_kwargs={'extra_stats': None, 'fontsize': 10, 'stats_position': (1, 0.9), 'pad': 2, 'sep': 0, 'fontcolor': 'black', 'fontweight': 'normal',
                           'box_props': dict(facecolor='lightyellow', edgecolor='black', alpha=1, boxstyle="sawtooth")},

Producing the following: Image

If the user do not pass a stats_kwargs dictionary, then default values will be used (the normal style we had).

camiloramirezgo commented 1 year ago

The call to the plot_benefits_distribution method now needs to be done as:

results.plot_distribution(type='histogram', groupby='None', cmap=cmap, labels=labels, 
                           hh_divider=1000, y_title='Households (k)', 
                           # groupby_kwargs=dict(scales='fixed'),
                           # kwargs=dict(alpha=0.8, size=0.2),
                           height=1.5, width=3.5, dpi=300, save_as='dist.png')

I generalized it, adding a variable parameter for the x axis, which defaults to wealth. I also added a groupby_kwargs dictionary, to be able to change the parameters of the facets when grouping by a variable as urban-rural split. Moreover, the kwargs dictionary allows to change the style of the bars, as alpha, size of the lines and color of the lines.

It also has an extra parameter quantiles, which if True will draw the lines for quantiles 1 and 3 of the distribution: Image

camiloramirezgo commented 1 year ago

The plot_cost_benefit method now has one extra parameters legend_args, which allows the user to change the position, direction and number of columns displayed in the legend:

results.plot_costs_benefits(labels=labels, height=1.5, width=3, dpi=300, save_as='benefits.png',
                            legend_args=dict(legend_position=(0.5, -0.6), legend_direction='horizontal', ncol=2))