Open-Source-Spatial-Clean-Cooking-Tool / OnStove

This repository contain the general code for the Open Source Spatial Clean Cooking Tool OnStove
MIT License
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Health benefits when switching between clean fuels #401

Open babakkhavari opened 4 days ago

babakkhavari commented 4 days ago

When switching between clean fuels (LPG -> Electricity, LPG -> Biogas) the health benefits 0 (both avoided deaths and health costs avoided).

This was tested by setting country.techs["LPG"].current_share_urban = 1, country.techs["LPG"].current_share_rural = 1, forcing electricity in the end year and country.techs["LPG"].pm25 = 999999999999999999

This could create problems for biogas and electricity in urban areas where we have a lot of LPG.

babakkhavari commented 4 days ago

Because country sfu = 0 when forcing LPG (or any other clean fuel in the base year). But do we want this to be the case? If we make it general we can instead compare deaths avoided between LPG and Electricity, now we can not.