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Problems with incorporating transporter kinetics into PBPK-model #160

Closed ClausPatzer closed 5 years ago

ClausPatzer commented 6 years ago


Thank you for providing a great programme. I am doing my thesis, working with atorvastatin, which is a substrate for the P-glycoprotein-transporter. The data I am working with (see link below) expresses the Michaelis-menten kinetics of this transporter in flux-values and not as a reaction velocity values. Is there any way of incorporating these data into my models?

The data I am working with, are derived from the Caco-2 monolayer model which, I know, is mainly for prediction of intestinal permeability, however even incorporation of just that, would be a huge help for my project.

The manual for PK-sim mentions the option of using data from Caco-2 cell permeability assays for calculation of intestinal permeability, however I have not been able to find this option in my programme.

BR Claus Patzer

krinaj commented 6 years ago

Hello Claus,

It is not very clear from just reading the abstract that whether or not Caco-2 cells were transfected with the transporters of interest and whether or not expression levels for the transporters in assay are known or not.

I suggest that try following the methods used in following papers for calculation of transporter kinetics to use in the model:

Good luck, Krina

ClausPatzer commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your response!