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Dissolution data #3

Closed moulirc closed 7 years ago

moulirc commented 7 years ago

I would like to know if I can use dissolution data to establish a pbpk model. Is there any references available.

thanks in advance mouli

TheiBa commented 7 years ago

PK-Sim offers predefined options to model drug dissolution. You can either fit a "simple" function to your data including Weibull, Lint80, zero- and first order; table read-in the "raw" data; or semi-mechanistically model particle dissolution. The best choice depends on the data you have and the task you are up to. Beyond the predefined options you can, of course, implement alternative solutions in MoBi. The technical steps are described in the PK-Sim (or MoBi) manual. The most relevant references might be:

Cheers, Thomas