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Hepatic arterial infusion #394

Closed Fatima-Marok closed 5 years ago

Fatima-Marok commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone,

Is there a way to simulate a hepatic arterial infusion? I tried tagging the application transport with ArterialBlood and Liver (see picture). I also tried different combinations of tags, but somehow nothing is shown in plasma. The compound I'm simulating is metabolized by an enzyme, which is expressed in many tissues, not just liver. Since no metabolite is generated, I assume, that the implementation was unsuccessful. Thank you in advance!

Best regards, Fatima


msevestre commented 5 years ago

@Fatima-Marok I am not sure what a hepatic arterial infusion is, but what you are defining in MoBi cannot work.

In your example, the target would need to have both ArterialBlood AND Liver tag, which cannot happen. You need to apply in a physical compartment of Mobi. For example ArterialBlood AND Plasma etc..

If you let me know in which compartment you would like to apply the infusion, I could help to define the process

Fatima-Marok commented 5 years ago

@msevestre Thank you for your reply! The patients in the study received an infsuion, which was administered into the liver artery via a catheter linked to a pump. I'd like to applicate the compound into the artery, which flows right into the liver, if this is possible.

PavelBal commented 5 years ago

The target is LIVER and PLASMA and PERIPORTAL

Fatima-Marok commented 5 years ago

@PavelBal Thank you very much! It worked.