Open-Systems-Pharmacology / OSMOSES

Open-Source MOdeling framework for automated quality control and management of complex life Science systEms modelS (OSMOSES)
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Create a new Container in the spatial structure (Building Block) of a module #29

Closed PavelBal closed 1 week ago

PavelBal commented 3 years ago

In an empty SS-BB of a module, create a new top container. A container creation frame appears (e.g. similar to "new parameter"), where the user has to define the name, the type (logical or physical), Parent container, and default values for (as check-boxes resp. radio buttons):

-- isPresent Negative values allowed
Floating Yes No
Enzyme Yes No
Transporter Yes No

The property Parent container can be entered manually as a path to the parent container, or selected from a tree view of the containers present in the PK-Sim module.

PavelBal commented 3 years ago

If the module contains molecules, the IC list is automatically extended by the entries of these molecules in the newly added container. Properties isPresent and Negative values allowed are set according to the selection of the default values made for the container. Initial values are set to 0 (if not defined by a formula in the molecule).

msevestre commented 3 years ago

What happens is there is no PKSim Module?

What about multiple PKSim Module. Or do we allow only one per project?

msevestre commented 3 years ago

ParentContainerPath is optional correct? A container can be added as child to another existing container, right?

PavelBal commented 3 years ago

ParentContainerPath is mandatory for each container so organs can be easily extracted e.g. from PK-Sim modules. E.g., "Save as pkml" in the kidney-container of a PK-Sim module will save the organ and set ParentContainerPath to "Organism".