Open-Systems-Pharmacology / OSPSuite.SimModel.Solver.CVODES

ODE solver used by OSPSuite.SimModel. Based on CVODES solver (Copyright © 2002-2018, Lawrence Livermore National Security)
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Optimal solver setting and other ways to improve numerical stability of the models #15

Open PavelBal opened 2 years ago

PavelBal commented 2 years ago

@msevestre @Yuri05 @Huan-Yang @StephanSchaller @abdelr @VanessaBa

I am not sure where this discussion belongs to, so I start it here and we can transfer it later.

We should have some kind of a wiki for best practices how to parametrize the solver settings available in PK-Sim/MoBi. Furthermore, we can collect ideas which improvements we can implement, and how to make models more robust. Feel free to edit this post.

Solver settings


Default value is 1e-10



msevestre commented 2 years ago

Great initiative I would suggest to put in in the docs once finalized

PavelBal commented 2 years ago

Solver implementation

Scale factors

Huan-Yang commented 2 years ago

Hi @PavelBal , Regarding the CVODES/CVODE, they are multiple solvers. Two often used ones are bdf (for stiff) and adams (for non-stiff). Stiff case is hard to integrate than non-stiff case. But bdf takes a bit longer integration time than adams. In practice, for a new set of ODEs, I would start with bdf solver first. If the simulation looks fine, check the simulation from adams. Somehow, the choice of solvers would depend on the ultimate goal of the ODE-model: if it is only for one-time simulation. I prefer to choose bdf. If it is related to optimization/inference, some accuracy-efficiency trade-off needs to consider. I believe that can vary in a case-by-case manner and depends on available approaches for optimization/inference.

Besides the concern of numerical solver, I believe the failure of 'ideal' solver can result from purely mathematical expression of the right-hand side (RHS). Please check this. Indeed wrong choice of a RHS can cause later numerically unstable simulation, which is independent of the choice of numerical solvers.

Yuri05 commented 2 years ago

wilbertdew commented 1 year ago

Hi All,

I think it would be good to have some more details on this in the documentation and some suggestions for optimization. Especially if you want to speed up a batch run of simulations, this can also make a big difference for computation time in my experience. I found this explanation helpful. It also points to the importance of the relative and absolute tolerance ratio, as this decides at which point the absolute tolerance becomes dominant. In general, I think reducing the relative tolerance is mainly relevant for models which are highly nonlinear and contain rapidly changing values, e.g., target binding at a high and saturating dose. Reducing the absolute tolerance mainly makes sense if you simulate values below 1e-10 (in base units I assume) which are still relevant and need to be precise, or if you reduce the relative tolerance. Reducing Hmax might be mainly relevant for problems that include tipping points rather than a gradual approach to steady-state. If there is a long phase (relative to 60 minutes) with rather linear behavior, increasing Hmax can speed up the simulations significantly without losing precision.