Open-Systems-Pharmacology / PK-Sim

PK-Sim® is a comprehensive software tool for whole-body physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
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Export to Excel button (on Time Profile Analysis) returned error #2880

Open FishinW opened 3 months ago

FishinW commented 3 months ago

Hi, Michael. I encounter the same error when I tried to export the PK result of simulation. The time-concentration profile can be export successfully. However, the error occur when I export the PK analysis result. I found that the PK analysis result can be exported when the observation was not added to the simulation, while fail when the observation was added. I found that there are some people encountering the same error (

I attached the project file for your information.


Application: PK-Sim® 11.2.142

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Stack trace:

at OSPSuite.UI.Mappers.PivotGridCellsToDataTableMapper.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<getColumnName>b__0(PivotGridField field)
   at OSPSuite.Utility.Extensions.EnumerableExtensions.Each[T](IEnumerable`1 list, Action`1 action)
   at OSPSuite.UI.Mappers.PivotGridCellsToDataTableMapper.getColumnName(PivotGridCells input, Int32 columnIndex)
   at OSPSuite.UI.Mappers.PivotGridCellsToDataTableMapper.configureDataTable(PivotGridCells input, DataTable dt, Func`2 useColumn)
   at pivotGridCells, Func`2 displayNameRetreiver, Func`2 valueToDisplayConverter, Func`2 shouldUseRow, Func`2 shouldUseColumn)
   at OSPSuite.UI.Mappers.PivotGridCellsToDataTableMapper.MapFrom(PivotGridCells pivotGridCells, Func`2 displayNameRetreiver, Func`2 valueToDisplayConverter)
   at OSPSuite.UI.Controls.UxPivotGrid.GetCellsSummary()
   at PKSim.UI.Views.Simulations.PKAnalysisPivotView.GetSummaryData()
   at PKSim.UI.Views.Simulations.IndividualPKAnalysisView.GetSummaryData()
   at PKSim.Presentation.Presenters.Simulations.IndividualPKAnalysisPresenter.ExportToExcel()
   at OSPSuite.UI.Controls.BaseUserControl.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.<OnEvent>b__0()
   at OSPSuite.Utility.Extensions.ExceptionExtensions.DoWithinExceptionHandler(Object callerObject, Action actionToExecute)