Open-Systems-Pharmacology / Pregnancy-Models

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models for Pregnant Women
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Pregnancy population: change geoSD of Amniotic Fluid / Volume #25

Open AndreDlm opened 2 years ago

AndreDlm commented 2 years ago

mmalsmadi commented 1 year ago


I am trying to build a pregnancy model that I started in PK-Sim, sent to MoBi Then in MoBi I did the following all the steps advised in "Applied Concepts in PBPK Modeling: How to Extend an Open Systems Pharmacology Model to the Special Population of Pregnant Women"

Finally, when I tried to put the simulation together in MoBi, I got the following error message image

When tracked the path down I found the following set of parameters image

I went back to check the PkSim file for the related nonpregnant model, and these were the values image

attached are the files I am working on

1983 Justins Mother Can you please help me sort out this issue?

Thanks Mo'tasem