Open-Systems-Pharmacology / QualificationRunner

Qualification runner in charge of managing a qualification workflow
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Logging does not respect logLevel! #92

Closed msevestre closed 3 years ago

msevestre commented 3 years ago

Using loglevel debug is ignored it seems

I am only getting info or error even though I want debug in my call 2021-09-17T13:03:43.8950967-04:00 [INF] Starting qualification workflow (0a76265a) 2021-09-17T13:03:45.1330319-04:00 [INF] Starting validation runs... (9ada36c2) 2021-09-17T13:03:55.9006814-04:00 [INF] Starting qualification runs... (fd6e37cc) 2021-09-17T13:38:00.3478653-04:00 [INF] Starting qualification workflow (0a76265a) 2021-09-17T13:38:03.3288982-04:00 [INF] Starting validation runs... (9ada36c2) 2021-09-17T13:38:15.7447751-04:00 [INF] Starting qualification runs... (fd6e37cc)

here is the call

QualificationRunner.exe -i "C:\projects\Qualification-DDI-CYP2C19\Qualification\Input\qualification_plan.json" -o "C:\projects\Qualification-DDI-CYP2C19\Qualification\Output" -p "C:\projects\PK-Sim\src\PKSim\bin\Debug\net472" -l "C:\projects\Qualification-DDI-CYP2C19\Qualification\log.txt" --logLevel Debug -f

and yes, I am logging debug ingo This is also blocking for v10 @PavelBal @Yuri05

msevestre commented 3 years ago

Here is how it's initialized in PKSim.CLI image

and here image

LogLevel debug, name of file log.txt

but the serilog is initialized with info image

and so it the path (somewhere very deep in the hierarchy) image

msevestre commented 3 years ago

I think that was probably missing in the PKSim init if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(runCommand.LogFileFullPath)) loggerCreator.AddLoggingBuilderConfiguration(builder => builder .SetMinimumLevel(runCommand.LogLevel) .AddFile(runCommand.LogFileFullPath) );

Sometimes the file is not created...I am so lost with this serilog package. damm

msevestre commented 3 years ago

well even when setting the logleve, it's still does not respect image

georgeDaskalakis commented 3 years ago

solved in Core, just keeoing this here to update the packages