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0804 Design workshop discussion #13

Open kevyourdev opened 2 months ago

kevyourdev commented 2 months ago

Investment Fraud Prevention Strategy Summary

Persona Overview: Joyce

Joyce is a young woman seeking emotional connection and high financial returns through online platforms. She's trusting, actively invests in suspicious platforms, and is reluctant to discuss her investments with others due to fear of judgment.

Key Characteristics:

Proposed Solutions and Their Relevance to Joyce

  1. Open165 Browser Plugin

  2. SEO Optimization for Fraud-Related Searches

    • Solution: Optimize Open165's SEO to appear first for searches like "Is this a scam?"
    • Relevance to Joyce:
      • Makes legitimate information easily accessible when Joyce seeks verification.
      • Provides a trustworthy source that doesn't require personal disclosure.
    • Effectiveness: Medium - depends on Joyce actively searching for verification.
  3. User-Friendly Guide on Open165

    • Solution: Create an easy-to-understand guide for users to check websites or keywords.
    • Relevance to Joyce:
      • Offers a self-service tool for Joyce to verify investments discreetly.
      • Empowers her with knowledge without fear of judgment.
    • Effectiveness: Medium-High - provides tools but requires Joyce's initiative to use them.

Strategy Recommendations

  1. Implement Multi-Layered Approach:

    • Deploy all three solutions to create a comprehensive safety net.
    • The plugin serves as the first line of defense, while SEO and the guide provide backup support.
  2. Focus on Non-Judgmental Education:

    • Emphasize educational content that informs without criticizing.
    • Address the emotional aspects of online relationships and investments.
  3. Promote Anonymous Verification Tools:

    • Highlight the anonymity of using Open165's resources to check investment legitimacy.
    • This addresses Joyce's fear of judgment from friends and family.
  4. Develop Trust-Building Content:

    • Create content that helps users like Joyce distinguish between genuine online relationships and potential scams.
    • Provide case studies or testimonials from individuals with similar experiences.
  5. Incorporate Emotional Support Resources:

    • Include links to support groups or counseling services for victims of online fraud.
    • This acknowledges the emotional impact of potential scams on users like Joyce.


By implementing these strategies, Open165 can effectively address the needs of users like Joyce, providing them with tools to protect themselves from online investment fraud while respecting their emotional vulnerabilities and desire for discretion. The multi-faceted approach ensures that whether Joyce is actively seeking information or passively browsing, she has access to the resources needed to make informed decisions about her online relationships and investments.






  1. Open165瀏覽器插件

    • 解決方案:實施一個在訪問可疑網站時提醒用戶的插件。
    • 與Joyce的相關性
      • 提供即時、不帶評判的警告,提示潛在詐騙網站。
      • 在情感投入發生之前,在風險時刻攔截Joyce。
    • 有效性:高 - 滿足Joyce對於隱私和即時信息的需求。
  2. 詐騙相關搜索的SEO優化

    • 解決方案:優化Open165的SEO,使其在「這是詐騙嗎?」等搜索中排名第一。
    • 與Joyce的相關性
      • 當Joyce尋求驗證時,使合法信息易於獲取。
      • 提供一個不需要個人披露的可信來源。
    • 有效性:中等 - 取決於Joyce主動搜索驗證信息。
  3. Open165上的用戶友好指南

    • 解決方案:創建一個易於理解的指南,供用戶檢查網站或關鍵詞。
    • 與Joyce的相關性
      • 為Joyce提供一個自助工具,以便隱私地驗證投資。
      • 在不懼怕評判的情況下賦予她知識權力。
    • 有效性:中高 - 提供工具,但需要Joyce主動使用。


  1. 實施多層次方法

    • 部署所有三個解決方案,創建全面的安全網。
    • 插件作為第一道防線,而SEO和指南提供後備支持。
  2. 專注於非評判性教育

    • 強調提供信息而非批評的教育內容。
    • 解決網路關係和投資的情感方面。
  3. 推廣匿名驗證工具

    • 突出使用Open165資源檢查投資合法性的匿名性。
    • 這解決了Joyce害怕被朋友和家人評判的問題。
  4. 開發建立信任的內容

    • 創建幫助像Joyce這樣的用戶區分真實網路關係和潛在詐騙的內容。
    • 提供類似經歷者的案例研究或證詞。
  5. 納入情感支持資源

    • 包括網路詐騙受害者支持團體或諮詢服務的連結。
    • 這承認了潛在詐騙對像Joyce這樣用戶的情感影響。



chaolingting commented 2 months ago
MrOrz commented 2 months ago

Thank you @kevyourdev , @chaolingting, Lydia, Donna, Lico and Memy! 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻