OpenAADL / ocarina

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how to import file while file_name is not same to the package_name #316

Closed ibertli closed 1 year ago

ibertli commented 1 year ago

hello sir: I got a question and need your help. If i import a file while file_name is not same to the package_name with ocarina. For example:

-- file: pkg_2.aadl package pkg_1 -- write something here end pkg_1;

Bsed on aadl specification, i should use syntax rule "import_declaration ::= with (package_name | property_set_identifier)" to import the aboved-mentioned file. But when i import the file in anthoer aadl file and run ocarina use "- I", it throw an error "cannot not find pkg_1.aadl", it makes me confused. Whether i have to define a file and file_name samed to the package_name ot property_set_name?

-- file test.aadl package test public with pkg_1; -- this will throw an error with pkg_2; -- this does not match the aadl specification end test;

jjhugues commented 1 year ago

You can either run ocarina -aadlv2 test.aadl pkg_2.aadl. This will load all files and parse. You will get the following error message

test.aadl:5:06: pkg_2 (identifier) is not a package or a property set visible or existing
Cannot analyze AADL specifications

after changing pkg_2.aadl to

-- file: pkg_2.aadl
package pkg_1
  system s end s;
-- write something here
end pkg_1; 

or you can run ocarina -aadlv2 -y test.aadl. -y will load files based on the package name. Then you get Cannot find file pkg_1.aadl as expected

OSATE and Ocarina enforces the rules that the file name must match the package name to support lazy loading. (option 2 here). A::b is translated into a-b.aadl

ibertli commented 1 year ago

You can either run ocarina -aadlv2 test.aadl pkg_2.aadl. This will load all files and parse. You will get the following error message

test.aadl:5:06: pkg_2 (identifier) is not a package or a property set visible or existing
Cannot analyze AADL specifications

after changing pkg_2.aadl to

-- file: pkg_2.aadl
package pkg_1
  system s end s;
-- write something here
end pkg_1; 

or you can run ocarina -aadlv2 -y test.aadl. -y will load files based on the package name. Then you get Cannot find file pkg_1.aadl as expected

OSATE and Ocarina enforces the rules that the file name must match the package name to support lazy loading. (option 2 here). A::b is translated into a-b.aadl

Hahhhh, i know what's your mean. Thanks very much!