OpenAADL / ocarina

AADL model processor: mappings to code (C, Ada); Petri Nets; scheduling tools (MAST, Cheddar); WCET; REAL
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Crash when resolving mode names #87

Closed Hi-Zed closed 7 years ago

Hi-Zed commented 7 years ago

Hello, I'm having a problem when parsing my aadl file. At some point I get this error and I cannot pinpoint where is the problem. I'm using Ocarina directly from Osate and I'm running the PolyORB-HI-C backend. I know that my model it's not compatible withe the backend, but I should be able to complete the instantiation.

+========================== OCARINA BUG DETECTED =========================+ | Detected exception: SYSTEM.ASSERTIONS.ASSERT_FAILURE | | Error: ocarina-me_aadl-aadl_instances-entities.adb:142 | | Please refer to the User's Guide for more details. | +=========================================================================+

raised SYSTEM.ASSERTIONS.ASSERT_FAILURE : ocarina-me_aadl-aadl_instances-entities.adb:142

Symbolic Traceback:

yoogx commented 7 years ago

HI Luca, I need a model in order to investigate. Can you send it? Thanks

Hi-Zed commented 7 years ago

This is the simplest model I can implement and get the error. It's a single process inside a system implementation.

Here the definition of the process:

package core
    data state_data 
    end state_data;

    data implementation state_data.impl
    end state_data.impl;

    thread main_loop
            error_tr: out event port;
            run_tr: out event port;
            init_tr: out event port;
            close_tr: out event port;
            globalState: requires data access state_data.impl;
            notify_state: requires subprogram access state_manager;
    end main_loop;

    thread implementation main_loop.impl
            prepare: subprogram function;
            spin: subprogram function;
            tear_down: subprogram function;
            error_handler: subprogram function;
            run_sig_pr: port prepare.signal -> run_tr ;
            error_sig_pr: port prepare.signal -> error_tr ;
            error_sig_sp: port spin.signal -> error_tr ;
            run_sig_sp: port spin.signal -> run_tr ;
            close_sig_er: port error_handler.signal -> close_tr ;
            run_sig_er: port error_handler.signal -> run_tr ;
            init_sig_er: port error_handler.signal -> init_tr ;

            --data access
            da1: data access  prepare.state_access -> globalState ;
            da2: data access  spin.state_access -> globalState ;
            da3: data access  tear_down.state_access -> globalState ;
            da4: data access  error_handler.state_access -> globalState ;
    end main_loop.impl;

    subprogram function
        signal: out event port;
        state_access: requires data access state_data.impl;
    end function;

    subprogram state_manager
    end state_manager;

    process node
            close: in event port;
            notify_state: requires subprogram access state_manager;
    end node;

    process implementation node.impl
            main_thread: thread main_loop.impl in modes (init , running, closing, error);
            state: data state_data.impl;
            da: data access  state -> main_thread.globalState;
            sc: subprogram access main_thread.notify_state -> notify_state; 
            init: initial mode;
            running: mode;
            closing: mode;
            error: mode;
            running -[close]-> closing;
            running -[main_thread.run_tr]-> running;
            init -[close]-> closing;
            init -[main_thread.run_tr]-> running;
            init -[main_thread.error_tr]-> error;
            error -[main_thread.init_tr]-> init;
            error -[main_thread.run_tr]-> running;
            error -[main_thread.close_tr]-> closing;
    end node.impl;
end core;

And here the system implementation:

package test
    with core;

    system container
    end container;

    system implementation container.impl
            test_pr: process core::node.impl;
    end container.impl;
end test;
yoogx commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reproducer. Problem is in Ocarina, when trying to resolve mode names main_thread.blah, i.e. mode of subcomponents. I'll try to address this as soon as time permits. In the mean time, you may comment out lines that uses main_thread. as triggers