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Transfer documentation to GitHub wikis #7

Closed jmerlan closed 5 years ago

jmerlan commented 5 years ago
vdubya commented 5 years ago

@jmerlan should the documentation be in the Code section instead of the Wiki? The repository represents the website, and if the pages were treated as code it could be forked to support creating variants. Forking does not bring over Wikis.

jmerlan commented 5 years ago

I feel like it should be a wiki unless the code is executed/viewed on another platform. Thoughts?

vdubya commented 5 years ago

GitHub supports the idea of using Repos for website content:

vdubya commented 5 years ago

vdubya commented 5 years ago

In terms of your comment about "executed/viewed on another platform", I see what you're saying. I still would like to see if we can have GitHub be the backend and be the front end for the typical user. I feel like linking from to would be confusing for most casual users.

Could we have a html file in github, host it from github, then iframe it into

jmerlan commented 5 years ago

There are a few ways to accomplish what we are discussing here. I would still like to use some form of a CMS if possible though as it would save a lot of time from having to create templates from scratch.

We can actually have a full static HTML page as a Drupal node with no theming:

vdubya commented 5 years ago

How about using markdown in github? it would be limited but I don’t think the docs have anything markdown couldn’t already handle, no? It would complicate Drupal displaying it, but maybe a module like this could be employed?

:octocat: From gitme iOS

jmerlan commented 5 years ago

If we store the content only (no wrappers or templates) as plain text using markdown here on GitHub, this could actually work. I like it.

We would just need to figure out how to display the body from GitHub on our Drupal site. Shouldn't be hard, but might take a custom module.

jmerlan commented 5 years ago

Ok, this is brilliant. I went ahead and created a test HTML file and with the simple PHP snippet below was able to pull the raw HTML directly from the GitHub repo. I think this is going to work! I will test an HTML file using markdown tomorrow.

<?php include(""); ?>

vdubya commented 5 years ago

Fantastic! I’ll look tomorrow.

:octocat: From gitme iOS

jmerlan commented 5 years ago

The test for the markdown is successful! Check it out the live MD from this GitHub repo being displayed as content here:

I am going to close this issue and create a separate issue for each documentation page.

vdubya commented 5 years ago

Did you test the flow chart image? Also, looks like it is not pulling in the bulleted list correctly.

vdubya commented 5 years ago

Hmm, specifically: "Moderators will review the parameter against the follow criteria: - Follows the standard naming convention - Is not a duplicate (or similar) parameter to an "Approved" parameter - Is assigned the proper DATA TYPE - Contains a DESCRIPTION. A moderator may modify the parameter to ensure compliance with these standards."

The lower bulleted list works.

Let's iron this out completely before we move to the rest of the pages.

vdubya commented 5 years ago

This is so cool (using github backend). So it appears the bulleted list is fixed now and I found a typo. Not sure why but the bulleted list did not work without a carriage return above it. Line 18 fixed it.

Check out

jmerlan commented 5 years ago

I left the flowchart off as I was considering converting to SVG so that it is editable in the event of a fork. Thoughts?

vdubya commented 5 years ago

Good idea on the SVG however I'd recommend adding the image for now and treat the SVG as an enhancement.