OpenAPITools / openapi-generator

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] [JAXRS-JERSEY] Wrong mapping of the path "/:" (yaml-file) to '@Path("/default")' and not to '@Path("/")' (java-file) #10622

Open senior42 opened 2 years ago

senior42 commented 2 years ago


This provides a test environment for the undesirable behaviour(s) (one to four) of the generated Java classes for:


We noticed this with the generator backend jaxrs-jersey in version 4.0.0. However, the problem still existed after an upgrade to 5.2.1..

But this could be unimportant if it is maybe a structural(?) problem that possibly affects all (code-) generators.


To be able to reproduce this, you need (at least) a Java (>= 1.8.0_301) and a maven (>= 3.6.1) installation. Then put the two files from this issue into a folder of your choice and start the generation; mvn alone is sufficient for this.

After the generation was successful (hopefully ;-)), change to the subfolder cd target/generated-sources/openapi and start the example application through mvn jetty:run .

Now you can successfully test the functioning of the endpoint /foo .

curl -X GET   'http://localhost:6666/issue/foo'

You will see something like:

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    41  100    41    0     0   8200      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  8200{"code":4,"type":"ok","message":"magic!"}

So far so goot.
But access to one level higher (/) fails!

$ curl -X GET  'http://localhost:6666/issue'
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   289  100   289    0     0  32111      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 32111<html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>Error 404 Not Found</title>

The assumption why this happens is an error in the generation of the corresponding Java class src/main/java/org/example/issue/generated/api/ .

In line 28 stand the following annotation: @Path("/default") .

After stopping the jetty (mvn jetty:stop), do a bugfixing through change to @Path("/") and a restart of the jetty, access works as expected.

$ curl -X GET  'http://localhost:6666/issue'
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    41  100    41    0     0    301      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   301{"code":4,"type":"ok","message":"magic!"}


This minimal API is just one part of a larger one we are working on. Our workaround is exactly the above change, but automated by


But it would be nice if this hack were no longer necessary in the foreseeable future!

Other stuff

Besides, three other generation problems can also be generated with this minimal application.

Double usage vs. Merging vs. Name generation

Since the root path / (yaml-file) is mapped to /default (java-file), the question arises, what actually happens when this endpoint is modeled? This is already prepared in the comment block.

# /default:

I would have expected at least a warning to appear during generation. A cancellation would be better.

But anyway, at the moment the results to be generated are simply merged.

And in the end, is the whole thing perhaps only of an academic nature?!?

As long as the operationId is unique and the above problem is fixed, everything is fine. Really? Unfortunately, the operationId is not a mandatory value. At least here, when specified, it is checked for duplicate values. But even that is unfortunately not consistent. Therefore, please comment out the specified operationId value at the top endpoint (/), uncomment the /default endpoint and specify its operationId with rootGet (instead of doDefaultGet). After a new mvn (without error) you can now see (.../ that the method name rootGet was chosen for the (still incorrectly routed) root endpoint (/) and the name, given by the specification, was changed. In my eyes, this is not an expected result.

Due to the lack of a possibility to choose a name for the default path (/) that cannot also be chosen via the specification (to my knowledge), the only remaining option for a final solution (fixing) is to generate/move the treatment class in another location (aka package). Either implicitly (e.g. ${apiPackage}.root/ or explicitly via a new configuration option (e.g. <rootPackage>...</rootPackage> with the default value from the apiPackage option (so that this change does not create any major upheavals for existing projects when they are upgraded)).

And an error message should always appear for duplicate operationId names, even if this only happens at the end of the tool chain when compiling. Of course, it would be better if an error message already appeared during API analysis if and which operationId names overlap, e.g. in the Swagger editor.

No models vs. Compilation errors

This minimal example is not as small as originally thought, because I had to insert something so that at least one model class is created. If no model is needed sematically, import statements are nevertheless created, which then produce compilation errors.

It would be better that the generation of such references is omitted, if the API does not include model generations (however useful or not that may always be).

senior42 commented 2 years ago



openapi: "3.0.3"

  title: »Issue« REST Api.
  description: >-
    An API that shows a generation issue.
    name: Example Team
    name: No license
  version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

  - url: http://localhost:6666/issue
    description: >-
      Local jetty development server.

      type: object
          type: string
          description: >-
            A necessary model, otherwise the compilation failes.
          example: "Buuu"

# schemas:
      description: >-
        The delivered error info.
      type: object
        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldIssueDescription'
        - issueDescription

      description: >-
        Get a list of all other endpoints.
      operationId: doGet
          description: >-
            The list of all endpoints .
              example: {"0.":"/issue","1.":"/issue/foo"}

#  /default:
#    get:
#      description: >-
#        A test to produces an error.
#      operationId: doDefaultGet
##      operationId: rootGet
#      responses:
#        200:
#          description: >-
#            An error page.
#          content:
#            text/html:
#             example: "<html><body style='background-color:#ffcccc'>ERROR</body><html>"

      description: >-
        Get a FOO ...
      operationId: doFooGet
          description: >-
            The data about a FOO ...
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/FooOut'


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


    <description>An example of a generation issue.</description>





                    <!-- The next code-generator block generate all necessary parts for 
                        a JAXRS JERSEY server. -->
                        <!-- The following alpha sorted description comes from "" -->

                            <!-- "addCompileSourceRoot" - add the output directory to the project 
                                as a source root. Default is: true -->

                            <!-- "additionalProperties" - sets additional properties that can 
                                be referenced by the mustache templates in the format of name=value,name=value. 
                                You can also have multiple occurrences of this option. default is: null -->

                            <!-- "apiPackage" - the package to use for generated api objects/classes. 
                                Default: ??? -->

                            <!-- "artifactId" - sets project information in generated pom.xml/build.gradle 
                                or other build script. Language-specific conversions occur in non-jvm generators. 
                                Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "artifactVersion" - sets project information in generated pom.xml/build.gradle 
                                or other build script. Language-specific conversions occur in non-jvm generators. 
                                Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "auth" - adds authorization headers when fetching the OpenAPI 
                                definitions remotely. Pass in a URL-encoded string of name:header with a 
                                comma separating multiple values. default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "configHelp" - dumps the configuration help for the specified 
                                library (generates no sources) -->

                            <!-- "configOptions" - a map of language-specific parameters. To show 
                                a full list of generator-specified parameters (options), please use configHelp 
                                (explained below) -->
                            <!-- See the specific xml part below -->

                            <!-- "configurationFile" - Path to separate json configuration file. 
                                File content should be in a json format {"optionKey":"optionValue", "optionKey1":"optionValue1"...} 
                                Supported options can be different for each language. Run config-help -g 
                                {generator name} command for language specific config options. Default is: 
                                null -->

                            <!-- "enablePostProcessFile" - enable file post-processing hook. Default 
                                is: null -->

                            <!-- "generateAliasAsModel" - generate alias (array, map) as model. 
                                Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "generateApiTests" - generate the api tests (Only available if 
                                generateApis is true). Default is: true -->

                            <!-- "generateApiDocumentation" - generate the api documentation (Only 
                                available if generateApis is true). default is: true -->

                            <!-- "generateApis" - generate the apis. Default is: true -->

                            <!-- "generateModelDocumentation" - generate the model documentation 
                                (Only available if generateModels is true). Default is: true -->

                            <!-- "generateModels" - generate the models. Default is: true -->

                            <!-- "generateModelTests" - generate the model tests (Only available 
                                if generateModels is true). Default is: true -->

                            <!-- "generateSupportingFiles" - generate the supporting files. Default 
                                is: true -->

                            <!-- "generatorName" - target generator name. default is: null -->

                            <!-- "gitRepoId" - sets git information of the project. Default is: 
                                null -->

                            <!-- "gitUserId" - sets git information of the project. Default is: 
                                null -->

                            <!-- "groupId" - sets project information in generated pom.xml/build.gradle 
                                or other build script. Language-specific conversions occur in non-jvm generators. 
                                Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "ignoreFileOverride" - specifies the full path to a .openapi-generator-ignore 
                                used for pattern based overrides of generated outputs. Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "importMappings" - specifies mappings between a given class and 
                                the import that should be used for that class in the format of type=import,type=import. 
                                You can also have multiple occurrences of this option. default is: null -->

                            <!-- "inputSpec" - OpenAPI Spec file path. Default is: null -->

                            <!-- "invokerPackage" - the package to use for the generated invoker 
                                objects. Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "instantiationTypes" - sets instantiation type mappings in the 
                                format of type=instantiatedType,type=instantiatedType. For example (in Java): 
                                array=ArrayList,map=HashMap. In other words array types will get instantiated 
                                as ArrayList in generated code. You can also have multiple occurrences of 
                                this option. Default is: null -->

                            <!-- "languageSpecificPrimitives" - specifies additional language 
                                specific primitive types in the format of type1,type2,type3,type3. For example: 
                                String,boolean,Boolean,Double. You can also have multiple occurrences of 
                                this option. Default is: null -->

                            <!-- "library" - library template (sub-template). Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "logToStderr" - write all log messages (not just errors) to STDOUT. 
                                Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "modelNamePrefix" - Sets the prefix for model classes and enums. 
                                Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "modelNameSuffix" - Sets the suffix for model classes and enums. 
                                Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "modelPackage" - the package to use for generated model objects/classes -->

                            <!-- "modelsToGenerate" - A comma separated list of models to generate. 
                                All models is the default. -->

                            <!-- "output" - target output path. Can also be set globally through 
                                the openapi.generator.maven.plugin.output property. Default is: ${}/generated-sources/openapi -->

                            <!-- "removeOperationIdPrefix" - remove operationId prefix (e.g. user_getName 
                                => getName). Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "reservedWordsMappings" - specifies how a reserved name should 
                                be escaped to. For example id=identifier. You can also have multiple occurrences 
                                of this option. Default is: _<name> -->

                            <!-- "skip" - skip code generation (Can also be set globally through 
                                the codegen.skip property). Default is: false -->

                            <!-- "skipIfSpecIsUnchanged" - Skip the execution if the source file 
                                is older than the output folder. Can also be set globally through the codegen.skipIfSpecIsUnchanged 
                                property). Default is: false -->

                            <!-- "skipOverwrite" - Specifies if the existing files should be overwritten 
                                during the generation. Default is: false -->

                            <!-- "skipValidateSpec" - Whether or not to skip validating the input 
                                spec prior to generation. By default, invalid specifications will result 
                                in an error. Default is: false -->

                            <!-- "strictSpec" - Whether or not to treat an input document strictly 
                                against the spec. 'MUST' and 'SHALL' wording in OpenAPI spec is strictly 
                                adhered to. e.g. when false, no fixes will be applied to documents which 
                                pass validation but don't follow the spec. Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "supportingFilesToGenerate" - A comma separated list of supporting 
                                files to generate. All files is the default. -->

                            <!-- "templateDirectory" - directory with mustache templates. Default 
                                is: ??? -->

                            <!-- "typeMappings" - sets mappings between OpenAPI spec types and 
                                generated code types in the format of OpenAPIType=generatedType,OpenAPIType=generatedType. 
                                For example: array=List,map=Map,string=String. You can also have multiple 
                                occurrences of this option. Default is: null -->

                            <!-- "verbose" - verbose mode. Default is: false -->

                            <!-- "withXml" - enable XML annotations inside the generated models 
                                and API (only works with Java language and libraries that provide support 
                                for JSON and XML). Default is: ??? -->

                            <!-- The following alpha sorted options comes from / desribed on the 
                                webpage: -->
                            <!-- That is one of available code generators from the following webpage: 
                            <!-- Date of the above links: 2019-05-28 -->

                                <!-- "allowUnicodeIdentifiers" - boolean, toggles whether unicode 
                                    identifiers are allowed in names or not. Default is: false -->

                                <!-- "apiPackage" - package for generated api classes. Default is: 
                                    org.openapitools.client.api -->
                                <!-- See global configuration value -->

                                <!-- "artifactDescription" - artifact description in generated pom.xml. 
                                    Default is: OpenAPI Java -->
                                <artifactDescription>An example of a generation issue.</artifactDescription>

                                <!-- "artifactId" - artifact id in generated pom.xml. This also becomes 
                                    part of the generated library's filename. Default is: openapi-jaxrs-server -->
                                <!-- See global configuration value -->

                                <!-- "artifactUrl" - artifact URL in generated pom.xml. Default is: 

                                <!-- "artifactVersion" - artifact version in generated pom.xml. This 
                                    also becomes part of the generated library's filename. Default is: 1.0.0 -->
                                <!-- See global configuration value -->

                                <!-- "bigDecimalAsString" - Treat BigDecimal values as Strings to 
                                    avoid precision loss. Default is: false -->

                                <!-- "booleanGetterPrefix" - Set booleanGetterPrefix. Default is: 
                                    get -->

                                <!-- "dateLibrary" - Option. Date library to use. Default is: legacy -->
                                <!--"java8" - Java 8 native JSR310 (preferred for jdk 1.8+) - note: 
                                    this also sets "java8" to true -->
                                <!-- "java8-localdatetime" - Java 8 using LocalDateTime (for legacy 
                                    app only) -->
                                <!-- "joda" - Joda (for legacy app only) -->
                                <!-- "legacy" - Legacy java.util.Date (if you really have a good 
                                    reason not to use threetenbp -->
                                <!-- "threetenbp" - Backport of JSR310 (preferred for jdk < 1.8) -->

                                <!-- "developerEmail" - developer email in generated pom.xml. Default 
                                    is: -->

                                <!-- "developerName" - developer name in generated pom.xml. Default 
                                    is: OpenAPI-Generator Contributors -->
                                <developerName>foo bar</developerName>

                                <!-- "developerOrganization" - developer organization in generated 
                                    pom.xml. Default is: -->

                                <!-- "developerOrganizationUrl" - developer organization URL in generated 
                                    pom.xml. Default is: -->

                                <!-- "disableHtmlEscaping" - Disable HTML escaping of JSON strings 
                                    when using gson (needed to avoid problems with byte[] fields). Default is: 
                                    false -->

                                <!-- "ensureUniqueParams" - Whether to ensure parameter names are 
                                    unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not). Default is: true -->

                                <!-- "fullJavaUtil" - whether to use fully qualified name for classes 
                                    under java.util. This option only works for Java API client. Default is: 
                                    false -->

                                <!-- "groupId" - group id in generated pom.xml. Default is: org.openapitools -->
                                <!-- See global configuration value -->

                                <!-- "hideGenerationTimestamp" - Hides the generation timestamp when 
                                    files are generated. Default is: false -->

                                <!-- "implFolder" - folder for generated implementation code. Default 
                                    is: src/main/java -->

                                <!-- "invokerPackage" - root package for generated code. Default 
                                    is: org.openapitools.api -->
                                <!-- See global configuration value -->

                                <!-- "java8" - Option. Use Java8 classes instead of third party equivalents. 
                                    Default is: false -->
                                <!-- "true" - Use Java 8 classes such as Base64 -->
                                <!-- "false" - Various third party libraries as needed -->

                                <!-- "library - library template (sub-template). default is: jersey2 -->
                                <!-- "jersey1" - Jersey core 1.x -->
                                <!-- "jersey2" - Jersey core 2.x -->

                                <!-- "licenseName" - The name of the license: Default is: Unlicense -->
                                <licenseName>No license</licenseName>

                                <!-- "licenseUrl" -The URL of the license. Default is: -->

                                <!-- "modelPackage" - package for generated models -->
                                <!-- See global configuration value -->

                                <!-- "parentArtifactId" - parent artifactId in generated pom N.B. 
                                    parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for 
                                    any of them to take effect. Default is: null -->

                                <!-- "parentGroupId" - parent groupId in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, 
                                    parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them 
                                    to take effect. Default is: null -->

                                <!-- "parentVersion" - parent version in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, 
                                    parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them 
                                    to take effect. Default is: null -->

                                <!-- "prependFormOrBodyParameters" - Add form or body parameters 
                                    to the beginning of the parameter list. Default is: false -->

                                <!-- "scmConnection" - SCM connection in generated pom.xml. Default 
                                    is: -->

                                <!-- "scmDeveloperConnection" - SCM developer connection in generated 
                                    pom.xml. Default is: -->

                                <!-- "scmUrl" - SCM URL in generated pom.xml. Default is: -->

                                <!-- "serializableModel" - boolean - toggle "implements Serializable" 
                                    for generated models. Default is: false -->

                                <!-- "serverPort" - The port on which the server should be started. 
                                    libraryDefault is: 8080 -->

                                <!-- "snapshotVersion" - Uses a SNAPSHOT version. Default is: null -->
                                <!-- "true" - Use a SnapShot Version. HINT! This doesn't work -->
                                <!-- "false" - Use a Release Version. HINT! This doesn't work -->

                                <!-- "sortParamsByRequiredFlag" - Sort method arguments to place 
                                    required parameters before optional parameters.. Default is: true -->

                                <!-- "sourceFolder" - source folder for generated code. Default is: 
                                    src/main/java -->

                                <!-- "supportJava6" - Whether to support Java6 with the Jersey1/2 
                                    library. Default is: false -->

                                <!-- "title" - a title describing the application. Default is: OpenAPI 
                                    Server -->

                                <!-- "useBeanValidation" - Use BeanValidation API annotations. Default 
                                    is: true -->

                                <!-- "useTags" - use tags for creating interface and controller classnames. 
                                    Default is: false -->

                                <!-- "withXml" - whether to include support for application/xml content 
                                    type and include XML annotations in the model (works with libraries that 
                                    provide support for JSON and XML). Default is: false -->



            <!-- Deactivate the default phases: compile, testCompile -->



            <!-- Deactivate the default phase: package -->

            <!-- Deactivate the default phase: install -->

            <!-- Deactivate the default phase: deploy -->


        <!-- Set the default action -->
        <defaultGoal>clean process-resources</defaultGoal>