OpenAPITools / openapi-generator

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
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[BUG][PYTHON][PLUSS OTHERS] Enum variable names not update in all python converters #16560

Open mwilby opened 10 months ago

mwilby commented 10 months ago

Bug Report Checklist

There is no need for a detailed report. This is a simple problem with a simple fix and it applies to all versions.


There is a problem with the Python family of converters when processing enums. Basically none of them substitutes the enum var extensions.

So using a simple scheme definition

   type: integer
   title: Message Format
     - 1
     - -1
     - 0
     - JSON
     - Unknown
     - SIBEC
     - JSON Descriptions
     - Unknown stuff
     - SIBEC Description

The python converter creates this:

class MaitredFormat(int, Enum):
    Encoding format of Payload.

    allowed enum values
    NUMBER_1 = 1
    NUMBER_MINUS_1 = -1
    NUMBER_0 = 0

    def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> MaitredFormat:
        """Create an instance of MaitredFormat from a JSON string"""
        return MaitredFormat(json.loads(json_str))

If you look at the generated model info, the relevant part is found to be.

  "model" : {
    "classname" : "MaitredFormat",
    "allowableValues" : {
      "values" : [ 1, -1, 0 ],
      "enumVars" : [ {
        "name" : "NUMBER_1",
        "isString" : false,
        "enumDescription" : "JSON Descriptions",
        "value" : "1"
      }, {
        "name" : "NUMBER_MINUS_1",
        "isString" : false,
        "enumDescription" : "Unknown stuff",
        "value" : "-1"
      }, {
        "name" : "NUMBER_0",
        "isString" : false,
        "enumDescription" : "SIBEC Descriptions.",
        "value" : "0"
      } ]

This is because updateEnumVarsWithExtensions() is never called and to fix it, its a simple matter of adding

    public ModelsMap postProcessModels(ModelsMap objs) {
        // process enum in models
        return postProcessModelsEnum(objs);

to the relevant Python???? module.

There are a fair number of other language models that don't include a postProcessModels override, not sure if it matters, or not, but it probably does.

Taking a language that does include the call, in this case, csharp, you generate the correct form of enum, i.e.

namespace Org.OpenAPITools.Model
    public enum MaitredFormat
        JSON = 1,
        Unknown = -1,
        SIBEC = 0,

This is because the model has been processed and looks like this.

  "model" : {
    "classname" : "MaitredFormat",
    "allowableValues" : {
      "values" : [ 1, -1, 0 ],
      "enumVars" : [ {
        "name" : "JSON",
        "isString" : false,
        "enumDescription" : "JSON Descriptions",
        "value" : "1"
      }, {
        "name" : "Unknown",
        "isString" : false,
        "enumDescription" : "Unknown stuff",
        "value" : "-1"
      }, {
        "name" : "SIBEC",
        "isString" : false,
        "enumDescription" : "SIBEC Descriptions.",
        "value" : "0"
      } ]
Suggest a fix

Repeat adding

    public ModelsMap postProcessModels(ModelsMap objs) {
        // process enum in models
        return postProcessModelsEnum(objs);

to the relevant Python???? module.

wing328 commented 10 months ago

This is because updateEnumVarsWithExtensions() is never called and to fix it, its a simple matter of adding

can you please file a PR with the suggested fix?

roishacham commented 6 months ago

@wing328 @mwilby

Any updates on a fix for this issue? I'm encountering this as well.

VBA-N7 commented 5 months ago

I'm encountering the same problem and this is very annoying. It would be great to have some news 😄

openapi: 3.0.0
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Weather API
paths: {}

      type: integer
      format: int32
        - 42
        - 18
        - 56
        - 'Blue sky'
        - 'Slightly overcast'
        - 'Take an umbrella with you'
        - Sunny
        - Cloudy
        - Rainy

The command i used docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i /local/mon_api.yaml -g python-flask -o /local/dist

The generated python file:

from datetime import date, datetime  # noqa: F401

from typing import List, Dict  # noqa: F401

from openapi_server.models.base_model import Model
from openapi_server import util

class WeatherType(Model):
    """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

    Do not edit the class manually.

    allowed enum values
    NUMBER_42 = 42
    NUMBER_18 = 18
    NUMBER_56 = 56
    def __init__(self):  # noqa: E501
        """WeatherType - a model defined in OpenAPI

        self.openapi_types = {

        self.attribute_map = {

    def from_dict(cls, dikt) -> 'WeatherType':
        """Returns the dict as a model

        :param dikt: A dict.
        :type: dict
        :return: The WeatherType of this WeatherType.  # noqa: E501
        :rtype: WeatherType
        return util.deserialize_model(dikt, cls)
0xMattijs commented 2 months ago

While postProcessModelsEnum is called here: its effects are overwritten by the code block further down:

I created PR #18566 preventing the NUMBER_X transformation to run if x-enum-varnames is provided.