OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
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Mixing object/array/primitive types in anyOf/oneOf for csharp generators generates client code that fails to deserialize.
Expect object to deserialize to C# typed object properly. Currently throws:
Unhandled exception. Pets.Client.ApiException: Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: Boolean. Path 'content', line 2, position 17.
at Pets.Client.CustomJsonCodec.Deserialize(HttpResponseMessage response, Type type) in /Users/rubenaguilar/repo/openapi/openapi-generator/project/generated/csharp/src/Pets/Client/ApiClient.cs:line 151
at Pets.Client.CustomJsonCodec.Deserialize[T](HttpResponseMessage response) in /Users/rubenaguilar/repo/openapi/openapi-generator/project/generated/csharp/src/Pets/Client/ApiClient.cs:line 86
at Pets.Client.ApiClient.ExecAsync[T](HttpRequestMessage req, IReadableConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Pets.Api.PetTagApi.GetPetAnyOfByIdWithHttpInfoAsync(Int64 petId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /Users/rubenaguilar/repo/openapi/openapi-generator/project/generated/csharp/src/Pets/Api/PetTagApi.cs:line 436
at Pets.Api.PetTagApi.GetPetAnyOfByIdAsync(Int64 petId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /Users/rubenaguilar/repo/openapi/openapi-generator/project/generated/csharp/src/Pets/Api/PetTagApi.cs:line 400
openapi-generator version
Using 7.0.1 of the jar.
OpenAPI declaration file content or url
I tacked on a small repro dotnet console app on my fork with run scripts for the broken and fixed template scenarios.
Generating a client with this OpenApi Spec then triggering a deserialization of this Json data will cause deserialization to fail.
Running to run the dotnet console app with yarn and dotnet 6.0+ installed will reproduce the exception.
Related issues/PRs
I didn't see any for csharp specifically.
Suggest a fix
I have the current fixed templates we're using as a workaround on a branch on my fork. Diffs here.
I'm not entirely sure how this would be tested within this project. I also believe this workaround would generate uncompilable code for situations where one of the anyOf/oneOf types would generate a generic C# Object type argument for the constructor.
Bug Report Checklist
Mixing object/array/primitive types in anyOf/oneOf for csharp generators generates client code that fails to deserialize.
Expect object to deserialize to C# typed object properly. Currently throws:
openapi-generator version
Using 7.0.1 of the jar.
OpenAPI declaration file content or url
I tacked on a small repro dotnet console app on my fork with run scripts for the broken and fixed template scenarios.
Generating a client with this OpenApi Spec then triggering a deserialization of this Json data will cause deserialization to fail.
Generation Details
This script runs against this config.
Steps to reproduce
Running to run the dotnet console app with yarn and dotnet 6.0+ installed will reproduce the exception.
Related issues/PRs
I didn't see any for csharp specifically.
Suggest a fix
I have the current fixed templates we're using as a workaround on a branch on my fork. Diffs here.
I'm not entirely sure how this would be tested within this project. I also believe this workaround would generate uncompilable code for situations where one of the anyOf/oneOf types would generate a generic C# Object type argument for the constructor.