OpenAPITools / openapi-generator

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
Apache License 2.0
20.73k stars 6.32k forks source link

[BUG] [typescript-rxjs] Collision for generated model and interface in API that have same name #18226

Open jdespatis opened 3 months ago

jdespatis commented 3 months ago

Bug Report Checklist


I want to generate models and API interfaces from an OpenAPI 3.0.3 schema using the typescript-rxjs generator.

openapi-generator version


OpenAPI declaration file content or url
  "servers": [
      "url": ""
  "paths": {
    "/v1/order/retail_orders/parameters/{id}": {
      "post": {
        "tags": [
        "summary": "Update a retail order by id",
        "security": [
            "BearerToken": []
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "",
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "required": [
                  "properties": {
                    "urgent": {
                      "type": "boolean"
                    "total_qty": {
                      "type": "integer"
                    "status": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "required": [
                      "properties": {
                        "status_description": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "required": [
                            "properties": {
                              "value": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "language": {
                                "type": "string"
                          "example": [
                              "value": "Description du statut ( en anglais )",
                              "language": "en-GB"
                        "status_code": {
                          "type": "string",
                          "enum": [
                        "last_status_code": {
                          "type": "string",
                          "enum": [
                        "last_modifier": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "required": [
                          "properties": {
                            "name": {
                              "type": "object",
                              "required": [
                              "properties": {
                                "last": {
                                  "type": "string"
                                "first": {
                                  "type": "string"
                            "id": {
                              "type": "string",
                              "minLength": 1
                        "last_modification": {
                          "type": "string",
                          "pattern": "^(?:[1-9]\\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)T(?:[01]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d(?:\\.\\d{1,9})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\\d:[0-5]\\d)$"
                        "last_action": {
                          "type": "string"
                    "sold_to": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "required": [
                      "properties": {
                        "tier": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "qualification": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "name": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "required": [
                          "properties": {
                            "last": {
                              "type": "string"
                            "first": {
                              "type": "string"
                        "customer_id": {
                          "type": "string",
                          "minLength": 1
                        "contact": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "properties": {
                            "preferred_way_of_contact": {
                              "type": "string"
                            "preferred_contact": {
                              "type": "string",
                              "enum": [
                              "default": "sss"
                            "phone2": {
                              "type": "string"
                            "phone1": {
                              "type": "string"
                            "email": {
                              "type": "string",
                              "pattern": "^[\\w-\\.]+@([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]{2,4}$"
                    "seller": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "required": [
                      "properties": {
                        "name": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "required": [
                          "properties": {
                            "last": {
                              "type": "string"
                            "first": {
                              "type": "string"
                        "id": {
                          "type": "string",
                          "minLength": 1
                    "reservation_duration": {
                      "type": "integer"
                    "requesting_location": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "required": [
                      "properties": {
                        "name": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "id": {
                          "type": "string"
                    "order_type": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "enum": [
                    "order_total_amount_incl_taxes": {
                      "type": "number"
                    "order_total_amount_excl_taxes": {
                      "type": "number"
                    "lines": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "required": [
                        "properties": {
                          "storage_location": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "status": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "sourcing_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "enum": [
                          "sourcing_location": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "sku_without_prefix": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "sku_with_prefix": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "size": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "qty": {
                            "type": "integer"
                          "product_name": {
                            "type": "object"
                          "product_label": {
                            "type": "object"
                          "product_description": {
                            "type": "object"
                          "main_color_id": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "id_line": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "pattern": "^(HRO_[0-9]{6}_HW_([A-Z]|[0-9]){5}_[0-9]{3})$",
                            "example": "HRO_240110_HW_A0A20_000"
                          "finition": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "department_id": {
                            "type": "object"
                          "color_description_id": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "color": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "required": [
                            "properties": {
                              "main_color_id": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "coloris": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "business_color": {
                                "type": "string"
                          "cites": {
                            "type": "boolean"
                          "UoM": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "enum": [
                    "label": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "required": [
                      "properties": {
                        "value": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "example": {
                            "en-GB": "Description du statut ( en anglais )"
                        "id": {
                          "type": "string"
                    "internal_reference": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "id": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "expiration_date": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "pattern": "^(?:[1-9]\\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)T(?:[01]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d(?:\\.\\d{1,9})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\\d:[0-5]\\d)$",
                      "format": "TZ"
                    "currency": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "creation_date_index": {
                      "type": "integer"
                    "creation_date": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "pattern": "^(?:[1-9]\\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)T(?:[01]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d(?:\\.\\d{1,9})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\\d:[0-5]\\d)$",
                      "format": "TZ"
                    "comment": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "business_id": {
                      "type": "string"
          "5XX": {
            "description": "",
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "required": [
                  "properties": {
                    "error": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "required": [
                      "properties": {
                        "value": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "example": {
                            "en": "Error 5XX. An unexpected issue has occurred. Please try again later or contact support for assistance."
                        "uuid": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "details": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "required": [
                            "properties": {
                              "error_type": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "detail": {
                                "type": "string"
          "4XX": {
            "description": "",
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "required": [
                  "properties": {
                    "error": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "required": [
                      "properties": {
                        "value": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "example": {
                            "en": "Error 4XX. An unexpected issue has occurred. Please try again later or contact support for assistance."
                        "uuid": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "details": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "required": [
                            "properties": {
                              "error_type": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "detail": {
                                "type": "string"
        "requestBody": {
          "required": true,
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "type": "object",
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                  "updated_by": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "required": [
                    "properties": {
                      "store": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "required": [
                        "properties": {
                          "label": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "id": {
                            "type": "string"
                      "seller": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "required": [
                        "properties": {
                          "name": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "required": [
                            "properties": {
                              "last": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "first": {
                                "type": "string"
                          "id": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "minLength": 1
                  "sold_to": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "required": [
                    "properties": {
                      "tier": {
                        "type": "string"
                      "qualification": {
                        "type": "string"
                      "name": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "required": [
                        "properties": {
                          "last": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "first": {
                            "type": "string"
                      "customer_id": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "minLength": 1
                      "contact": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                          "preferred_way_of_contact": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "preferred_contact": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "enum": [
                            "default": "sss"
                          "phone2": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "phone1": {
                            "type": "string"
                          "email": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "pattern": "^[\\w-\\.]+@([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]{2,4}$"
                  "expiration_date": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "pattern": "^(?:[1-9]\\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)T(?:[01]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d(?:\\.\\d{1,9})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\\d:[0-5]\\d)$",
                    "format": "TZ"
                  "comment": {
                    "type": "string"
        "parameters": [
            "schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "default": "EN"
            "required": false,
            "name": "lang",
            "in": "query"
            "schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(HRO_[0-9]{6}_HW_([A-Z]|[0-9]){5})$"
            "required": true,
            "name": "id",
            "in": "path",
            "example": "HRO_240110_HW_A0A20"
        "description": "/v1/order/retail_orders/parameters/{id}"
  "openapi": "3.0.3",
  "info": {
    "version": "0.7.9",
    "title": "API documentation gateway",
    "description": "Gateway documentation"
  "components": {
    "securitySchemes": {
      "BearerToken": {
        "type": "http",
        "scheme": "bearer"
      "BasicAuth": {
        "type": "http",
        "scheme": "basic"
Steps to reproduce

You can reproduce those steps to reproduce: (./generated/openapi.json contains the json provided above)

docker run --rm \
 -v $PWD/generated:/generated openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
 -i ./generated/openapi.json \
 -g typescript-rxjs \
 -o /generated/Result

It generates (among other files) :

And the problem is that apis/RetailOrdersApi.ts generated contains this piece of typescript code, which is invalid:

import type {
} from '../models';

export interface V1OrderRetailOrdersParametersIdPostRequest {
    id: string;
    v1OrderRetailOrdersParametersIdPostRequest: V1OrderRetailOrdersParametersIdPostRequest;
    lang?: string;

The code is invalid because the interface uses the name V1OrderRetailOrdersParametersIdPostRequest which is also the same name of a model imported just above. => I get a compiler typescript error

TS2440: Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of 'V1OrderRetailOrdersParametersIdPostRequest'.

Related issues/PRs


Suggest a fix

I don't get this problem when I'm using typescript-fetch generator, because:

I don't have any suggestion, but I can work on a PR if you help me understand where should I apply the fix.

jdespatis commented 3 months ago

To complete, I've found a workaround for now, but it's definitely not the good strategy...

I export all templates of the typescript-rxjs generator with the command:

docker run --rm \
    -v $PWD/generated:/generated openapitools/openapi-generator-cli author template \
    -g typescript-rxjs \
    --output ./generated/templates-rxjs

I remove (from ./generated/templates-rxjs) all templates except the apis.mustache template

And then apply this patch to it: (basically replace Request by OperationRequest to avoid any conflict)

--- generated/out-rxjs/apis.mustache    2024-03-26 14:25:29.000000000 +0100
+++ generated/out/apis.mustache 2024-03-26 11:58:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-export interface {{operationIdCamelCase}}Request {
+export interface {{operationIdCamelCase}}OperationRequest {
     {{paramName}}{{^required}}?{{/required}}: {{#isEnum}}{{{datatypeWithEnum}}}{{/isEnum}}{{^isEnum}}{{{dataType}}}{{#isNullable}} | null{{/isNullable}}{{/isEnum}};
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
      * {{&summary}}
-    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}Request{{/allParams.0}}): Observable<{{{returnType}}}{{^returnType}}void{{/returnType}}>
+    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}OperationRequest{{/allParams.0}}): Observable<{{{returnType}}}{{^returnType}}void{{/returnType}}>
-    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}Request, {{/allParams.0}}opts?: Pick<OperationOpts, 'progressSubscriber'>): Observable<{{{returnType}}}{{^returnType}}void{{/returnType}}>
+    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}OperationRequest, {{/allParams.0}}opts?: Pick<OperationOpts, 'progressSubscriber'>): Observable<{{{returnType}}}{{^returnType}}void{{/returnType}}>
-    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}Request, {{/allParams.0}}opts?: OperationOpts): Observable<{{#returnType}}AjaxResponse<{{{.}}}>{{/returnType}}{{^returnType}}void | AjaxResponse<void>{{/returnType}}>
-    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}Request, {{/allParams.0}}opts?: OperationOpts): Observable<{{#returnType}}{{{returnType}}} | AjaxResponse<{{{returnType}}}>{{/returnType}}{{^returnType}}void | AjaxResponse<void>{{/returnType}}> {
+    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}OperationRequest, {{/allParams.0}}opts?: OperationOpts): Observable<{{#returnType}}AjaxResponse<{{{.}}}>{{/returnType}}{{^returnType}}void | AjaxResponse<void>{{/returnType}}>
+    {{nickname}}({{#allParams.0}}{ {{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}: {{vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-param-name-alternative}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/allParams}} }: {{operationIdCamelCase}}OperationRequest, {{/allParams.0}}opts?: OperationOpts): Observable<{{#returnType}}{{{returnType}}} | AjaxResponse<{{{returnType}}}>{{/returnType}}{{^returnType}}void | AjaxResponse<void>{{/returnType}}> {

I can then use the generator typescript-rxjs safely without any compiler problem, with the command:

docker run --rm \
    -v $PWD/generated:/generated openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
    -t ./generated/templates-rxjs \
    -i ./generated/openapi.json \
    -g typescript-rxjs \
    -o /generated/Result

As said before, it's not the good strategy, as this template is roughtly the same as the one of the generator typescript-fetch (nearly same structure of files generated), and it perfectly works with the latter

=> it seems that the {{operationIdCamelCase}} in the typescript-rxjs template doesn't return something as strong as the one provided by typescript-fetch

Any idea of a better fix ?

Thanks for your feedback!

iliastsa commented 3 months ago

This seems related to issue #17909 which created some time ago