OpenAPITools / openapi-generator

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
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[BUG] [JAVA] error: too many parameters #20019

Open blaghed opened 4 weeks ago

blaghed commented 4 weeks ago

After upgrading from 7.3.0, we started getting error: too many parameters on a generated POJO Model of an object that has 255 fields. Tracked it down to Java/pojo.mustache)

We've tried manually setting x-java-all-args-constructor: false and x-has-readonly-properties: false, but these result in the same error. As far as I can tell, x-java-all-args-constructor is respected, but x-has-readonly-properties is superseded by the property being read only itself -- which makes sense (see

As such, we're unable to instruct the generator to not add these constructors at all. I understand this was done to fix an issue with Jackson (see #18870 ), but sadly it brings this issue on the other side.

openapi-generator version


Suggest a fix

Issue: Java/pojo.mustache) Commit: #18870

jpfinne commented 3 weeks ago


This can be fixed by a small change in

protected int constructorWithAllArgsMaxArguments=254;

protected boolean isConstructorWithAllArgsAllowed(CodegenModel codegenModel) {
    return (this.generateConstructorWithAllArgs &&
            (!codegenModel.vars.isEmpty() || codegenModel.parentVars.isEmpty()) &&
            cm.vars.size() + cm.parentVars.size() <= constructorWithAllArgsMaxArguments;

can you create a PR with that change?

blaghed commented 3 weeks ago

The error happens on the read-only constructor, though. The "all args" one can be disabled correctly. At the moment I am working around this by adding a vendor extension on the pojo.mustache to allow disabling.

jpfinne commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe this:

if (property.isReadOnly && property.readOnlyVars.size() <= 255) {
    model.getVendorExtensions().put("x-has-readonly-properties", true);
blaghed commented 3 weeks ago

That's reasonable. This won't bring back whatever issue with Jackson was fixed? I assume it needs some way to write these properties, and no setters are present since they are read-only.